Plenty To Fear
Michael Rosenblum
Father of video journalism - designed and built more than 50 TV news channels and networks worldwide.
Two very different pieces of information came to me this morning, which I think go together in a strange way.
First, CBS This Morning had Doris Kearns Goodwin on as a guest. She was there to talk about the impact of the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918, but, as the author of such great books as A Team of Rivals and, among others, No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front During World War II for which she won the Pulitzer Prize, she was also there to talk about the virus.
Talking about the virus currently facing us, she quickly gravitated towards her deep knowledge of FDR and how great leadership - something we are sorely lacking today - and she made no bones about pointing it out - pulled the nation out of the Great Depression and through WW2.
Watching it, what I found fascinating was when she began to talk about the hardships that Americans had endured during the Second World War - food rationing, gasoline rationing - stuff like that.
This was, of course, the experience of the average American at home during the war. Two oceans separated the US from the two real wars - Europe on the one side and Japan on the other.
In Europe, cities were literally being burnt to the ground.
Lisa, who is British, and whose parents were the product of that experience, said that the virus out there, and not knowing where or who it would hit, was probably close to what people in Britain felt during the blitz - waiting to see if they or their homes would be blown up at any minute by German bombs raining down on them. Now it's a virus.
Lisa's sister, Nicky, has a house in Dale Abbey that still has a bomb shelter in the back yard, under the garden - a physical reminder of what they endured.
And, of course, even in Britain, hard struck by reality as it was, it was nothing compared to the Russians who survived the 900 day German seige of Stalingrad.
Shortages of coffee and gasoline indeed.
So now it seems that we are, as a nation, being faced by our first real, on the ground, in your face, crisis. This is different. But how will we respond?
This takes me to the second seminal piece that I read - a piece on LinikedIn by Prof. Dr. Dr. David Dunkley Gyimah, who, despite all his titles, was once a student of mine at Channel One in London a million years ago.
What struck me in the piece was this:
I don't watch news, but I'll gladly watch a movie about the true story of that news, says a Masters student. How to improve news
These two items mesh so very nicely with my new book, Don't Watch This: How The Media Are Destroying Your Life.
We live in a culture dominated by, and I would even say defined by, The Media.
We watch, on average, 8 hours of video, TV, Netflix and movies a day, every day. That experience defines the way we see the world and the way that we deal with problems.
Watching things 8 hours a day, every day, for years on end teaches us things. One of the things it teaches us is that, as in every movie or TV show, someone comes along near the end of the movie to solve the problem - all the problems.
We are instructed by our media to sit and watch and wait, in the certainty that someone is going to come along and save us.
But what if no one does.
What if it is now up to us?
Media does not encourage personal action. Media teaches us, over and over, to be passive. Your job is to sit and watch and wait for the hero to come. That's it.
That may not be enough now.
Not nearly enough.
We may have to become our own heroes.
Stay tuned for our next #Space2Sea Voyage of Discovery to the GALAPAGOS ??
4 年from a previous post i made: I wonder how some of the tragedies of the past would have been experienced had?#socialmedia?existed back then. It is fair to say that the?#coronavirus?is the first?#outbreak?to happen fully immersed within a world dominated by?#facebook,?#twitter, & other platforms that spread information without any editorial oversight.?#SARS?happened in 2003 when Facebook wasn't even public yet. The last big?#flu?#pandemic, in 2009, where 210,000 people died worldwide, there was only 300 millions FB users. Today, it has 2.5 billion users, with every day 460 million status updates, 211 million photos uploaded, 78 million shared links and over 8 billion video views. Twitter's 300 million users produce 500 millions tweets every day. Add in the fact that trust in leaders and experts has reached record low levels, that tribalism has become the dominating social structure, that you can find online "factual" reports on every imaginable conspiracies, plus the cultural belief that the way you experience the world means it is real, that?#technology?has given us the illusion that we must live in a world of zero risk, within an economic model that prioritize?#fear?& battles for our attention at any costs, without any ethics, & you start to understand the current?#hysteria.
Associate Professor/ Reader, International Award Winning Journalist, Speaker, and Creative. Moderator. Ex BBC/ C4 News. Chair EDI,. Leader cinema journalism featured in several books
4 年No despites :). Gladly always welcome being known as one of your trainees. Yes, history has a lot to say about where we are and a guide about how we'll emerge. I should read Goodwin. I loved Oliver Stone's Untold History that feat. FDR. I lived in Ghana during my teenage years, and experienced coups, hyper inflation, food shortages and malaria of a kind that had my family worried. Of course it can't compare to WWII et al, but seeing empty shelves in our local supermarket it did bring back dark memories. The student's observation is one that's piqued me for a while, but I loved how she framed it and deconstructed the issue. Looking forward to reading your book. My feeling is the language that underpins storytelling for journos will eventually changes as lit, art and other forms have. But it'll take a generation/s. The snapchats, Tik Toks elide with this, but it's the critical mass and exemplars who'll help unfurl that future. :)