Please, Tell Me "No"?!

Please, Tell Me "No"!

I am grateful for the potential clients who tell me “No”.

Don’t misunderstand me, I want your business. In fact, I resonate with Steve Jobs. He was so frustrated when people were not buying his computers that he screamed at the top of his lungs “What is wrong with people?” He knew he had a product that the world would greatly benefit from, but they weren’t buying.

So, yeah, I feel the same way when I get turned down. But that’s the problem I want to address in this article; the actual conversation where I get turned down. I don’t want to get turned down but there’s something that happens in business that is worse than getting rejected.

Kids today have a word for a particular rude behavior, or lack thereof. It’s called “ghosting”. The first time I heard this, I had to ask one of my kids what it meant; “What is ghosting?” Evidently, ghosting is when you have a brief interaction with someone, mostly in texting, and the other party never replies or finishes the conversation. You got ghosted. The “ghoster” (if that’s a word) just leaves the conversation with no inclination that he or she will ever return. No “talk to you later”, no “Bye for now”.  Nothing, just “ghosted”.

It's not a new idea or practice; it has been happening in business for a long time and here is how it works:

You communicate with a potential client and finally set up a meeting. During the conversation you both discuss the service you could provide and, if all goes well, you get a chance to discuss pricing. The client seems interested (legitimately or otherwise) and says one of two things:

1.     I’m not sure. Let me think about it. Call me next week.


2.     It sounds good. I’ll work out some details with my team and get back to you.

Of course, these are pretty good scenarios if you don’t get immediately rejected or get an immediate contract. Either way they are positive and could turn out well for the salesperson.

Or not.

So, you reach out next week leaving a message but get no response. A month goes by- because you don’t want to be a pest- but still… nothing! Emails…nothing! Text message…nothing! Suddenly you begin to feel frustrated. What happened? The meeting went well. The service meets their need. It should have gone right for you and your company.

Now, you and I know that it could have been anything that sent the deal in the wrong direction. As a service provider, I have embraced the fact that no deal is a done deal until the contract is signed. I get that! But if this has happened to you, YOU DONE GOT “GHOSTED”.

This kind of behavior on the part of a potential client chaps my cheeks. I mean, come on, are we teens, ghosting each other on social media? No! We are all professional businessmen and women and should offer enough respect to communicate effectively the reason for the impediment of partnership.

In the past 6 months, I have had several business meetings with some of the best businessmen and women in my area. Some have “ghosted” me. Others have responded to me in a timely fashion saying, “Thank you for meeting with me and sharing your services. We were certainly excited about the possibility of working with you but unfortunately we cannot move forward with the plan we discussed a few weeks ago.” BUMMER! Yeah, we’ve all gotten those responses but I, for one, am grateful for those who would be professional and respectful enough to tell me the hard and unfortunate truth.

If it's "No" then tell them "NO"; they can take it. In sales, we've all learned that you need one hundred "No's" before we get that one coveted "Yes". So let's get on with it, you're stalling their count. But I digress.

As professionals we strive for personal integrity. Ghosting a businessperson who took time out of their schedule to discuss a plan for your organization should garner enough credit to be receive the dreaded “No” if the answer is indeed “No”. I am quite certain that you want the same from your potential customers and clients.

So, businessmen and women, let’s put on our grownup pants and communicate the appropriate message in a timely fashion. After all, you don’t want to keep getting calls and emails if you already know the answer. And, I promise, you will have less people questioning your integrity if you adhere to what your momma told you…Honesty is still the best policy.


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