Please sponsor me to make a spectacle of myself on a tennis court at MIPIM

Please sponsor me to make a spectacle of myself on a tennis court at MIPIM

You may remember that last year at MIPIM I played tennis with Tim Henman and because I am so crap I made him lose in SPECTACULAR fashion. He wasn't amused. I'm a good lip reader.

Well this year in 2020 if I raise enough money for Landaid (the charity for Youth Homelessness) and Bright Ideas for Tennis then I can do the same to Pat Cash. The biggest donator can choose what fancy dress outfit I wear for this.I will also send you the footage.

Please please donate. Both are great charities. They need your support. Here's the link

Thanks so much hashtag

#mipim hashtag

#charity hashtag

#londonstandatmipim hashtag

#donations hashtag

#landaid hashtag




