Please Sir, Can I Have Some Mo?

Please Sir, Can I Have Some Mo?

Equipment Needed: This article and at least one six sided die.

“Ach! You’re a wizard Harry!”

I have always felt that magic is something we all do without realizing it. Do you go to a sporting event wearing team colours? Well people, right there is sympathetic magic, the concept of wearing your team colours is akin to a voodoo doll dressed like your victim though in this display of fan behavior the intended result is the opposite. Ever burn an effigy, the opposing teams jersey? Same thing.

Have you ever taken a rabbit’s foot or some sort of lucky charm to Bingo? Do you have a certain scarf or pair of socks you insist makes you luckier at seducing a member of the opposite sex.? Magic again my dear soul but still one of the most common forms of magic practiced is the art of divination. That is as simple as checking your daily horoscope.

Now if you have never read Tarot cards, palms or what have you but still check these things out in the daily paper or online this is the divination system for you. It is simple and all you need is the information below and a six sided die. You can raid the old Monopoly game in the storage closet and “presto-changeo” you have just become a mage in the art of Divination, casting spells to learn about the future.

Now for those of you with a whimsical view on all this “magic stuff” any old dice will do but for those with a more esoterical or religious view of these things might not be satisfied with a plastic cube from an unused board game. I will discuss what kind of die and the materials and enchantments that would fit on making the six sided cube a magical focus for your personal use in an addendum available to all who ask later.


This divination technique came from Tibet and was used by thinking of your problem and shaking a stick at it – literally. Multiple sticks with one of six images were held in a container and while meditating on the problem, the container was shaken until two sticks flew out. These sticks, inscribed with one of the six sounds or ideas, held onto by Tibetan Lamas in meditation, were then placed together and a reading was given that could shed light or in other ways, help correct the problem.

The sounds are AH representing space and the cosmos, RA for power, PA symbolizing peace, TSA representing destruction, NA for prosperity and DHI representing the mind.

Since shaking sticks can be messy and since you shake until they fly out of the vessel, to avoid potential injury to someone’s eyes I feel that a six sided dice can be just as potent. In this I agree with the psychic who first suggested it.


First hold the die in your LEFT hand while thinking of your question or situation. Meditate on it and when you feel comfortable, cast the die. Then consult the chart below.

Roll 1 = AH Roll 2 = RA Roll 3 = PA Roll 4 = TSA Roll 5 = NA Roll 6 = DHI

Record this sound on a piece of paper then place the die in your RIGHT hand. Meditate on the problem again and when comfortable with your state of being, throw the die again. Once more consult the above chart and record the sound next to the first sound result.

Now consult the sound meanings (simplified) as given here. If the answer seems to be irrelevant remember that these are simplified meanings. Feel free to ask me for a more detailed description as sometimes the result points more to a course of action than an actual answer:

AH As First Sound -

AH AH – The Clear Sky – A vast expanse of peaceful blue. Your heart must be cloudless and pure, like a blue sky. Reject all feelings of envy, resentment, paranoia and jealousy. Don’t expect anything, do not try to force anything but let things happen. All will be well for the answer is yes. Health, family, close friends and travel are protected.

AH RA – The Flaming Rays Of The Sun – The dry heat of the mind's sun clears the morning mist in your mind, removeing darkness and revealing the colours of life. Confused situations become clear. The omens are good because all your questions will be answered in time. New paths are opening and your confidence will be stronger.

AH PA – The Milky Rays Of The Moon – The Moon’s gentle light sheds softly to illuminate the night. This is an omen of passionate emotions and feelings, mainly love and sensation. Your actions must be gentle and peaceful in art and communications. Negotiations will be favourable if you are tolerant and conciliatory, especially to yourself. Learn to reassure and appreciate yourself – love yourself. There should be no struggle or radical decisions.

AH TSA – The Sparkling Star – Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you know who you are? The stars shine for a long time because they lack concern for those things unnecessary and wasteful. This is an omen for patience but can signify travel or a move. Tangible results are not immediate. Do not waste energy on frivolous or ultimately meaningless goals. Remain open to opportunity, remain adaptive to situations.

AH NA – The Ground Covered With Gold – There's gold in them there hills! You just gotta stake your claim and start digging. Success is not immediate as determination and steadfastness should be your motto. Look at the situation as a long term goal. Travel or impulse actions are unnecessary. You reap what you sow.

AH DHI – The Sparkling Diamond – Shine on and don't be a crazy diamond. You must be hard, emotionally solid and beautiful at the same time. A good omen for students, artists and writers. Look inside yourself not to the outside world and others for answers. Thought and words without action will bring failure. You will receive good news and succeed if your mind and actions are in agreement.

RA As First Sound –

RA AH – The Shining Lamp – The lamp shines its light on the darkness revealing what is evil or good. A favourable omen if you see things as they are and not as you wish them to be. Do not expect outside help or any encouragement. Only you can bring your mind from dark confusion and find the solution to your problem. Trust your instincts.

RA RA – Fat On The Fire – In Canadian terms, think of the sound and smell of bacon cooking. This is an omen of joy and contentment. Encouraging news is at hand and your desire will be satisfied. If you are depressed, put on a false front and if you are genuinely happy, show it. The appearance and sharing of joy is what brings the world to you.

RA PA – The Demon Of Destruction – Exactly as it sounds. This is not a favourable omen. Your thoughts are chaotic, your actions are unhealthy and your path leads to destruction. You have feelings of jealousy, envy and resentment. Unless you learn to build not destroy, you will end relationships or fail at your endeavors and tasks.

RA TSA – The All Powerful King – At this moment, you f****ing rule! Now is the time to jump into fights and enforce your will because your energy is getting stronger. It is time to acquire authority, take responsibility and make decisions. This moment will not last forever so do not hesitate to act. If you don’t, you will find your strength fading away.

RA NA – The Unwatered Tree – A tree with no water will not produce fruit. Start being yourself and stop being influenced by other people and events. You are not “feeding” on good intentions and you should know that. A favorable result to your question is unlikely as you are confused and deluding yourself. Perhaps this “dream” needs to be reassessed.

RA DHI – The Gate To Favorable Conditions – Knock on the gate with a strong hand and you will enter Paradise. This is a wonderful omen. All you need do is visualize your desires, make them concrete in your mind and they will become reality. No need for hard tasks or decisions. You will receive the aid of a good friend or a kind person. Travel plans are sound and expect to find unexpected joy in your journey.

PA As First Sound –

PA AH – The Jar Of Nectar – Open the bottle and start drinking with new friends. A positive result as long as your friends are compassionate and peaceful. You will want to make friends with this sort of folk. Seek people who do not build their relationships through force. You will be successful though it may not be exactly what you expected. The result is very good regarding questions of friendship and finance.

PA RA – The Dried-Up Spring – Nothing can grow around this place or you. It all seems very pointless. Your mind is confused, you have over reached your abilities and you have “tunnel vision” regarding the situation. A bad omen if your concerns are romance or friendship. Change your point of view and contemplate your actions. It is time to be generous but disinterested for a better result to your problem or situation.

PA PA – The Ocean Of Nectar – The bar is open and you never need to pay the tab. In other words things are working in your favour. The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Your professional life is in good standing and now is the moment to ask for a raise or invest money. Romance on the other hand is not as well set as you are working for yourself. If relationships are your problem, give yourself some distance.

PA TSA – The Storm – Secure the barn doors and seek out safe shelter. Negative forces are swirling around you. Your heart is tormented, your mind is unclear and the influences around you are bad. The people around you are deceptive and what they think of you is judgmental and condemning. For now, take no action or make any decisions, wait till your mind is at peace and you have proven, at least to yourself, they are wrong.

PA NA – The Golden Lotus – The lotus is the sacred flower of the Buddha. This is an excellent omen. Your intentions are becoming more noble and less self absorbed. This is because your soul and strength are in a regenerative phase. The benefit of all this is that you see things clearer and those that come to your aid or wish to help you are more effective. If your circumstances are poor, they will gradually get better and success will eventually come your way. Be confidant as things will get better soon.

PA DHI – The Source Of Happiness – Own your s#!t. You control your happiness and sense of being. Happiness is not somewhere or with someone else but right here and right now inside you. Look around and appreciate what you have. Stop clinging to the things that have made you unhappy. All things come to an end, both good and bad. Smarten up!

TSA As First Sound –

TSA AH – The White Sunshade of Good Fortune – Relax under the Tree of life and enjoy this moment of rest. Take your time and make neither decisions or take on difficult struggles. Your problems and troubles are with out any real foundation. Your current situation is temporary and all things need time to develop and change. Don’t try and speed things up or hurry them along. For now, live in the moment as things get better.

TSA RA – The Sword Of Flame – You hold a mighty weapon but do you know how to use it? You are a person of many talents and are very persuasive. The omen is favourable as long as you use these talents. Seize the day and declare your love, express your desire, make decisions, prepare for battles and open doors you would normally pass by. You have great influence right now so use it and use it wisely.

TSA PA – Paper In The Wind – “You must know the wind’s path to catch a piece of paper in it’s grip”. Right now, you don’t know which way the wind is blowing. Your heart and mind are buffeted at all sides by different storms. You are influenced by evil people or circumstances. The objective you desire is fluttering around, always outside your grasp. Karma says that it does not suit you. Separation from your goal is likely.

TSA TSA – The Glorious Banner – It is time to move and capture your opponent’s flag. Your circumstances are good and your true potential can be unveiled. This is a good omen for travel, visiting or moving to a new home or job. Good things occur if you take action. Expect social success, recognition or happy news to come your way. Marriage proposals, job offerings or promotions are more likely to occur right now.

TSA NA – The Tree Struck By Lightening – The storm strikes everything without thought as might you. The omen is not a good one. You are plagued by obstruction, difficulties and tensions. Even those closest to you do not understand you, including partners, lovers and friends. Your heart is troubled and wounded and you may be quick to criticize. Do not continue your efforts on this project or problem or you may make it worse. Wait until the storm is over and you are at peace.

TSA DHI – The House Of Good News - When you climb the mountain you will find a house on top filled with joy. Things are looking up. Your work and projects will be completed, your romance will flourish, your friendships will be affirmed or your wishes will be granted. Perhaps even all these things are possible. Do not grasp for things beyond your reach and await all the good things and news you have worked for.

NA As The First Sound -

NA AH – The Mountain Of Gold – Who wouldn’t want one? Stability is the key to success. If your question is about financial gain, it will be considerable. If your question is about romance, your love is secure and faithful and if social position is on your mind, that is secure. Make no changes as everything is leading to greater rewards.

NA RA – The Demon Of Desire – My gandfather used to say, "The fucking you get will cost you being fucked over." You may get what you want but at what cost? Your heart is ruled by the base instincts of mankind. Envy, sexual desire, power and greed rule your mind and passions. You seem unstoppable in the quest for these goals but the balance and harmony of your world will soon rebel. The Buddhists believe that this omen says you will begin to pay for such things now, not later or after death. Now, because you have acted selfish and cruel you have created the environment for your own downfall.

NA PA – The Jeweled Ship – The ship approaches your harbour and brings you security and prosperity. You are thinking positively and it makes you happy and secure. Good times, pleasant circumstances, physical pleasure and worldly riches will be shared by all those you love, including you. There are no enemies and all you have is secured by your right to them. Appreciate what you have and make no attempt to increase your gains. It will happen on it’s own as the investments you have made in the world come about.

NA TSA – The Mountain Of Sand – A mountain of sand is unstable and even the wind can bring it down. This omen speaks of decay, reduction or deterioration. Perhaps your romance and friendships are coming apart, your savings are dwindling, your job is at risk your social position is falling or you are bringing your self down. You have made poor life choices and this is not the path meant for you. Reappraise your life and make changes.

NA NA – The Red Castle – Rooxxxanne, you should turn on the red light! A fortress of pleasure awaits your arrival. Whether it is romance, friendships or social position, you are generally doing the right things. The omen is positive for gaining influence and wealth or enriching love and friendship but beware. This is not the time for quitting your job, asking for help from those better placed than you (perhaps they are jealous) or travel. Persevere and remain calm to opposition.

NA DHI – The Treasure – Argggh Captain, open the chest and gaze inside. You should be happy and satisfied with all the jewels and gold you have found. Your efforts of searching and hard work have paid off. Any projects or goals will have excellent results. Do not focus your efforts on just a single goal or point how ever and avoid becoming impatient. Remain confident and calm and you will open the treasure chest.

DHI As The First Sound –

DHI AH – The Way Of The Buddha – Go with the flow and live life for the moment. Understand that nothing is permanent and that expectation of rewards leads to unhappiness. Do not find happiness in material possessions. That is the way of the Buddha. Stop criticizing people for their faults and judge yourself accordingly. This is the way to success, happiness and achieving all your goals and desires.

DHI RA – The Flower Garden – The aroma and beauty of life can surround you. This is an omen of beauty, pleasure and love and is excellent for relationships, particularly those of the heart. Your intentions should be focused towards union and harmony. Your objectives can be met provided you understand what you want. Learn how to listen to others as you learn to listen to yourself. Go with your gut instinct and you will be successful. Ignore the feelings and desires of others and the garden will not be found.

DHI PA – The Luminous Fish – Be seen but not caught! Like the fish, you must be quick in mind and body. Your mind must be sharp and receptive to the disturbances in your environment. All the signals to what happens around you are present but can you feel them? This is a positive omen if you remain diplomatic, conscientious and make an effort not to disturb the harmony of others. Be aware of lies, especially those you tell to yourself.

DHI TSA Pleasant Music – Is punk dead? The praise of your superiours, the lilt of your lover’s voice or the sound of your favourite singer, these represent the omen as a good one. Expect good news to come your way. This is a very positive result for questions concerning communication, literary endeavors, foreign languages or customs, study and the exchange of knowledge. For other questions know that your worries are understood.

DHI NA – The Chariot’s Wheel – The wheels on the chariot go round and round… Things are advancing, the situation is developing but the destination has not been reached. Relationships need to find balance and adjustments need to be made. The present is still part of the journey and the job is not yet finished. Success is assured if you keep moving.

DHI DHI – The Victorious Standard – Sound the trumpets and plant your flag – Victory! To do this though you must still gather those you love around you. You may have to place yourself under the protection or care of someone who is above you in social settings or employment. Family or other, they will assist you in overcoming all obstacles. Success is at hand and you have no need to fear your enemies. Love and guidance surrounds you. Remember this when you feel anxious or despair from your problem.

NOTE: When I first saw this divination technique it was in a Chinese martial arts movie. As this woman kept shaking the sticks over and over to get a positive result, the audience, all Oriental (the film was subtitled in English), were laughing at her foolishness. When her husband arrived, he attempted to grab the container from her. During the struggle between them both grasping the cylinder, two sticks fell out and the result was one that the woman wanted. The members of the audience all looked at each other knowingly.

If the answer you get is not to your liking, perhaps having yourself and someone else involved with the question may give you a better result.

Chad Nobert

Professional Actor, Home Renovator,

6 年

Thanks Dave. I’ll give it a read

Jackie Buckley

Experienced IT Service Desk Analyst/ITIL Certified/Passionate about Customer Service/Art enthusiast/ Great food & wine!

6 年

How thoroughly interesting and very well written. I check my horoscope daily, now all I need to do is find a dice ........!


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