Please sign, in one click, this petition to Protect Our Right To Choose
Nicole Wright, CHT, NLPP
Accounting & Tax with Newsweek JP cover. Crime & Culture Journalist.
Please sign, in one click, this petition to Protect Our Right To Choose. ( Congress: Protect our Right to Choose! link below.)
I am fortunate, with my education, behavior & practices, to never have had to make this choice, neither anyone that I'm close with. However this fails to matter. Every female living in America, all women, and all individuals who are some variation of XX (there are many), has the fundamental human right for dignity and safety. We are protected by these federal laws (below).
It is our First Amendment Right, to believe what we choose, regarding religion, atheism, and everything in between. Abortion, is NOT a moral issue. It is an ACCESS TO SERVICES, human health & safety issue.
It is also an issue, of human trafficking. With the research and criminal reporting I was doing in 2021, I can now see, that freedom in reproductive rights, has been costing Illicit Adoption Agencies, and those who Traffic in Children, big bucks.
In Texas Q2 2021, I drove by a hospital, that was advertising, on a huge LCD board on the main road, images of their doctors, with 7 & 8 year-old children, HAVING GIVEN BIRTH. I was shocked. I failed to comprehend, why this hospital, would advertise, and so publicly, the atrocities, and the implications, of what this meant. This is rape, incest, abuse, and child marriages. A woman, cannot give consent, unless she is sober: no alcohol, no drugs, no Halcyon, no Rohypnol, no Ambien variety, no "natural" nor toxic plant, nor any substance, whatsoever. She cannot give consent, if she was "groomed", manipulated, threatened, coerced. This includes, manipulation by her peers, if they are victims of sexual assault themselves. This includes, anyone who is older than her. She cannot give consent, until she is 18.
- Child Marriage, is one loophole. I learned about it December 2021, when a doctor of pharmacology, reached out to me, and ended up telling me, that his mother had been bought. She was purchased from Iran, where they are ISIS, believing in Jihad, and shipped to the buyer in the US. She gave birth to two sons, while very young. I was told she divorced the man, due to his violence. Whether she is legally divorced or not, I do not know. (I believe their religion, fails to recognize, divorce.) (I am, personally, against religions who marry young. I am also aware, they have the freedom, to do it this way. I believe, in honoring beliefs, when they fail to be harmful, and are legally compliant, even if I disagree with the practice.)
- If the practice of child marriage, is not the programming of a religion, then it is the direct result of negligence by parents, for that is what it would be called in court, if they did not know, what was occurring regarding the physical safety, of their daughter. PLEASE KNOW: that I am for supporting families, and that my statement, was never intended to blame. I am speaking, of negligence, technically. The parents, themselves, might truly NOT be fault, even if found "negligent". Everyone, is doing, the best they can, with what they have, at the time. AND, we don't know, what we don't know, until the time, that we know. In the master's of therapy program I took, part of it was about how trauma affects patients. This interested me, as I wanted to know why my adopted mom, seemed so interested in trauma. I was into health, and progress. I love her, and wanted her, to feel better. I still couldn't figure it out, and so studied, until I "got it". I asked a former Golden Seal, in 2020, about Risk Assessments. (He told me to re-certify in self-defense, and asked me about conceal carry....) I got more narrow, and wanted to know, how I could prevent attacks, from domestic terrorists. He didn't answer the question directly, as he'd already given the answer, in his previous recommendation(s). He added on, reminding me of something he'd said before. He referenced a book, that an author had written, after interviewing x victims. He said that the author discovered, in each of those acts of violence, that there was a part of the victim, that knew, ahead of time. He said, that they ignored their intuition, or that they had been "programmed", or felt desperate, or SOMETHING, overrode, their sense of foreboding. How this translates to parents, who love their children, and would never want them to experience any type of hurt, is that people get busy, life gets busy, and nothing is black and white. So stop, slow down, and take the time, to listen to your intuition. That one sense, that you feel, could change the outcome, for your daughter. Act on it.
- If the parents did know, then this means the following: involvement by one or both parents, involvement by family or extended family, involvement from friend, or perpetrator in the community.
Families who support pedophilia (so gross and horrible; I read some articles about this practice in Germany, last year), may marry the daughter, underage, to cover up the crime of child rape and resulting pregnancy. If the daughter who was abused, becomes married, before the public finds out, then in some states, the abuser evades criminal prosecution for child sexual assault. This entire subculture, is inhumane, and exploits legal loopholes.
I am beginning to think, that this may be the US parallel to female circumcision, which is something American's say is horrible, that happens to women in other countries. But women under 18, are being hurt, by Patriarchal men, and Subcultures, here. On this soil. It has to stop.
Failure to report child pregnancy by healthcare practitioners, is also abuse, and a perpetuation, of this phenomena, in my opinion. I understand some of the laws involved, and that many practitioners, are entitled to their own judgement. This tells me, that they believe there is nothing wrong with child pregnancy. I cannot understand, how anyone, could think that, unless they are also complicit, in the abuse that is occurring. A person is complicit, when they work for an organization, who is breaking the law, and comply with those illegalities (when they are protected as whistleblowers - please speak up, instead).
SIDEBAR: A Counter-Culture Terrorist in Texas, called me a whistleblower, for reporting a Threat Acting Troupe, that was committing Cyber Crimes (security breaches). I am not, and have never been, a whistleblower, and would never associate with anyone who hurt others, or broke the law. I pick, good people. I have absolutely reported several companies, who violated 1099 vs W2 or other W2 violations. As a result of my reports, they had to fix their infrastructure and/or government reporting. They had to correctly pay taxes, and they had to correctly give appropriate benefits to their employees. That is related to fraud reporting, which I absolutely, do. I have also made reports, as a journalist, when I was traveling, when women, told me they could not speak for themselves, and asked me to file a report. I did it, because it was the right thing to do. However legally, each woman, MUST make the report, herself. A third-party report, has little to no-impact. Please speak up.
A Medical Practitioner, is also complicit, when it happened to them. They are perpetuating the cycle. (You are free; you can leave that system, even if it's hard.)
They are complicit, if they were conditioned to ignore it, or make excuses for it, which is all on the Power & Control Wheel, and all of it, is illegal as well as is the maltreatment, of others.
No human, feels good, if they are physically in a state, of un-health. No human, feels content, if they are out of alignment, inside. Things like safety vs danger, health vs harm, and the treatment of ourselves vs others, all happens in systems. No person, who wants to feel good & be well, should take any part, in any system, that hurts women & children.
Our bodies. Our right to chose. Not a moral issue, a physical safety issue. This issue, is also about socioeconomic class, and a Females Right To Work, and Right To Education.
I believe in prevention. I knew I was going to college, and wanted an education and career, and I have, protected myself. My family, Matriarchal, teaches that children don't come, until after marriage, and that marriage can't even happen, until enough money has been put into a trust, for the woman, the estate & home, the future children. My mother told me the amount it cost her, for each child, birth or adoption, to 18. I know this is old school legacy mentality. I like it though, for me only.
Access to safe health care, MUST be accessible, to every woman, and child. Every child under 18 who needs female reproductive access, must be able to safely obtain it. I also am a proponent of mandated reporting, for all women under 18, as there is an element of neglect, abuse, or religion, involved. That though, is separate.
(I did not even realize boys existed, until I was much older, than my peers. Men are wonderful, and women should experience attraction, when they're developmentally ready, NOT when they are forced by outside parties, before they are mature enough to understand comprehensively.)
My personal feelings on abortion being overturned in the States that is has been, is that these States, are part of the problem, in abuse, child rape, child marriage, coerced adoptions, and human trafficking. I think this is ancient Patriarchal Mentality and Deep Systems of Abuse, where Abortion, may be costing them, significant losses. After all, each adopted child, can result in a 10K-120K+ "kick-back" to the mother, and that means, that the Agencies involved, are making 50-90% more than that.