Please Shave
Greg Demetriou
CEO at Lorraine Gregory Communications leading award-winning integrated marketing efforts
I am just so tired of seeing business people, executives, company owners and men in general who sport facial scruff. If you want a beard, a mustache or a goatee please do so. Just don’t stop halfway and think you look good.
The several days' growth and stubble actually says you don’t care what people think of you. It also says you are lazy or perhaps you a just following the crowd like a lemming to the sea. Call me old fashioned if you will, but when I am across the table discussing important business matters I want to think that you respected the moment enough make yourself presentable.
Save the scruff for your time off.
“There is only one chance to make a first impression.” Please note, it still applies.
This new trend so reminds me of aging hippies. In the sixties and seventies, it seemed that men sporting long hair, ponytails, out sized Afros, Fu Manchu mustaches and bushy elongated sideburns were all the rage. Unfortunately, there is a cadre from that time who have not grown out of that period look. Now in their seventies they still are adorned with much of the panache of the day and if truth be told they look ridiculous. It is as if they stepped out a time capsule, expect they grew old while trapped in there.
I am not condemning individuality. A well grown and trimmed beard can be appealing and attractive. I have a two-tone goatee that I trim almost daily that I believe enhances my look.
What I am saying is please pick ---- clean shaven or well-maintained facial hair --- just not scruff.
What is coming next uncombed hair? The just got out of bed look? Oh, and while you’re at it don’t bother to wash it. See what I mean. We really do need to have standards not just in our behavior (I reserve that topic for a later discussion) but for how we present ourselves to the world.