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Gunnar Andri Tórisson
CEO, Professional speaker, Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author
Message From The Middle Of Nowhere
Available now at Amazon
When you write from the heart, you touch hearts. This highly recommended book is for ambitious people – only.
Torgrímur Tráinsson - Motivational speaker and a former Icelandic footballer. For the past twenty years, Torgrímur has been Iceland's most popular and renowned author of teenage books.
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This book is an excellent start to understand the Icelandic national psyche.
Gylfi Magnússon, - Icelandic economist and associate professor at University of Iceland, served as Minister for Economic Affairs in the coalition government of Jóhanna Sigureardóttir (2009-2013)
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Apply the essence of knowledge and strategies provided here to yourself, and you will start to see changes in your personal and your professional life. This book is a good read!
Angie Greaves - UK Radio Presenter
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The book captures the reader from the start
Dr. Frierik Larsen, lektor
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with love from Iceland