please read all the way thru. Thank You EVERYONE, THANK's to those who participated and attended our July 30th 5 - Annual Band Aid Concert.
please read all the way thru. Thank You EVERYONE, THANK's to those who participated and attended our July 30th 5 - Annual Band Aid Concert at LaVelles Winery in Elmira. We we're off from last year procedes by about $1,800.00 If you we're unable to attend, we would still appreciate any amount donation to: ( Credit or Debit please visit ) { Check to P. O. Box 12168 Eugene. Or. 97440 } We are a 501 TAX DEDUCTIBLE Non - Profit [ tax id # 87-0775627 ]
MANY MUSICIANS DON'T USUALLY QUALIFY FOR HEALTH CARE COVERAGE for either themselves or their families, as their incomes are usually near the federal poverty level. The mission of MEMA is to stabilize and improve the quality of life of people in the entertainment industry. When bills are piling up, due to health issues in the family, MEMA can help. Utilizing our status as a "non-profit group", MEMA can also provide access to dental, vision, primary care and more at discounted rates.
Regardless of the type of music that appeals to you, music provides the soundtrack to our lives. When healthy entertainers perform in our community, everyone benefits. MEMA provides an opportunity for everyone to be involved in the entertainment industry.
MEMA was founded in 2006 by many caring citizens in Lane County
Based in Eugene Oregon, MEMA provides links to existing resources, as well as last resort financial assistance, to low-income entertainment industry professionals who regularly perform, or work "behind the scenes" in and around Lane County, Oregon. MEMA is currently coordinating efforts with musicians and others statewide to expand our reach and help even more. MEMA receives calls from all over the state and the U.S., proving need for our organization to thrive and expand.
FUNDRAISING EFFORTS ARE UNDERWAY to assist us financially to achieve our goals. We are committed to our mission and have a focused, consistent plan to grow beyond these humble beginnings. MEMA provides a strong advocate and resource network for entertainment industry professionals to rely on in times of need. MEMA is a 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization. If you can help, or need help, please contact MEMA today.