Please mind the gap
Christiaan van der Ham
A Passionate Professional Networker | Creating Connections Around the World | Loves to Travel; Learning from every Experience
The DLR stops at the station of Custom House. The doors open and most passengers alight. Quite a procession of visitors moves towards the London ExCel International Exhibition Centre. Banners are installed, the staff welcomes everyone, and the guests look excited.
Covid stopped the entire world for 2 years (of course, trade fairs included.) Nevertheless, entering such a fair still fits like a glove. As if nothing happened or changed. Sure, you have to be the type of person to like such events, but the anticipation, excitement, and fun of connecting with other professionals and seeing old friends never get old.??
I enjoy the buzz, presentations, and well-designed booths. That is until I attend one of the panel discussions. (Though I sometimes wonder: is it truly a discussion?) The moderator speaks clearly, and the speakers produce a decent volume yet the background murmuring is noticeable. It results in a clash of impressions.
It is at that moment that I realize that things have changed. It seems to me that I am not used anymore to the combination of many sights and sounds. Add to this the fact that you face quite some crowds (and their energy). You can imagine that this takes some time to get used to again.
Can I go back in time, to remember how I dealt with all these impressions before Corona started? I would easily visit several booths, and greet many people. I want to enjoy trade fairs again like this, as these events can be so much fun, but also so important for your network.
Cause that's my next network tip: attend the fairs that matter. Whether it is to gather knowledge, negotiate deals, or maintain your network … you represent your company and above all, you represent yourself. Showing up can be good (or is simply needed) at certain moments. And the more often you attend a fair, the more often you catch up with friends.?
Whether a short coffee break at the fair or having a lovely dinner in the city, events, and meetings help you networking. A better understanding is created and the collaboration is often improved as well.?
“Mind the gap” states the well-known voice on the Tube. I alight the train after a long day, full of impressions. I feel tired but I am happy; Covid was quite a gap of 2 years … but the WTM helped me to get back on track. Ready to network again. I'm looking forward to the next event!