Please, Just Stop!
John Nimmo
Best Selling Author | Certified Executive Coach | Organizational and Team Health | Advance Sales Training | Stabilize, Optimize, Scale. | Let's Connect. [email protected]
Please! Just Stop! Stop for a moment to consider. Stop to simply take a breath. Can we just stop? Even for just a few moments?
Dp you need a break? Many of us are feeling overwhelmed. Or do you feel guilty when you slow down? Take a day? Play "hooky" perhaps? Why the guilt?
Taking a short breather may be the most productive thing you do.
For me, nothing creates more anxiety than flying and traveling. I worry about missing flights, being on time, security checks, 4 hour flight delays, lack of sleep, getting to hotels, navigating logistics, packing the right outfits, managing wrinkles. (In my forehead, and my clothes.)
This week I've been traveling. It's been hectic. From my home in Springfield, Missouri, to my office in Southern Illinois; a meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, flying to Fr. Lauderdale, Florida, Back to Atlanta, Georgia... another meeting near Atlanta combined with a coaching session. Afterward, on to Wilmington, North Carolina to see my son whom I've not seen since December.
When do I get to slow down - regather, and relax? Breathe. Just Stop.
I enjoy the travel. Really I do.
For many leaders, executives and others, this is a common lifestyle. Regardless, whether you are in real estate, sales, or an entrepreneur, or other professional, it seems this hectic and busy lifestyle leads to more productivity and success, but does it really? Often, we equate productivity with busy-ness.
What if you are wrong? It's been said that 20% of our activities yield 80% of our results. Why do we feel the need to do the other "stuff"?
I'm learning that busy-ness is the enemy! For me, red flags are raised anytime someone says "I'm just so busy." Please! Just Stop! Stop for a moment to consider. Stop to simply take a breath. Can we just stop? Even for just a few moments?
Dp you need a break? Many of us need a break. Do you feel guilty when you slow down? Take a day? Play hooky perhaps? Why the guilt? Taking a short breather may be the most productive thing you do.
For me, nothing creates more anxiety than flying and traveling. I worry about missing flights, being on time, security checks, 4 hour flight delays, lack of sleep, getting to hotels, navigating logistics, packing the right outfits, managing wrinkles. (In my forehead, and my clothes.)
This week I've been traveling. It's been hectic. From my home in Springfield, Missouri, to my office in Southern Illinois; a meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, flying to Fr. Lauderdale, Florida, Back to Atlanta, Georgia... another meeting near Atlanta combined with a coaching session. Afterward, on to Wilmington, North Carolina to see my son whom I've not seen since December.
When do I get to slow down - regather, and relax? Breathe. Just Stop. There is an advantage in doing that!
I enjoy the travel. Really, I do.
For many leaders, executives and others, this is a common lifestyle. regardless if you are in real estate, sales, an entrepreneur, or other professional, it seems this hectic and busy lifestyle leads to more productivity and success, but does it really? Do you equate "busy-ness" with success?
What if you are wrong? It's been said that 20% of our activities yield 80% of our results. Why do we feel the need to do the other "stuff"?
I'm learning that busy-ness is the enemy! Red flags are raised anytime someone says "I'm just so busy." Another topic for another day.
And then, on the side, let's deal with personnel issues, navigate emails, surprise unexpected happenings, un-anticipated results of former actions, humanity in varying personalities... and on and on and on it goes. It's no wonder so many would say "HELP!" "Help me get the merry- go - round."
Can we just STOP! When do we get to think, reflect, spend time in prayer, journal, plan, and manage both our professional and personal events, like weddings, funerals, (not my own) and our important relationships.
Here's what I know! Paul Martinelli, the former president of the John Maxwell organization, and my mentor, says it this way....
"Life is a fight for territory." ~ Paul Martinelli
How do we win the battle for our lives?
If we are in a "fight for our life", who is the enemy? This may surprise you.
How many times do we feel hurried, pushed, pressured, stressed? Much of which is self-created and self induced? So, why are you sabotaging your results?
What is the solution? ..... YOU ARE THAT TOO!
Be intentional about taking just 15 minutes. Set aside 15 minutes, arise 15 minutes earlier, and choose to be with yourself. Set an appointment with you! Treat it like any other professional appointment. Show up on time. Set a commitment objective.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate.” ~ Carl Jung
Let's break this down.
"Until you"... You must realize you have control of your thoughts.
"make the unconscious"...Bring to the forefront the subconscious behavior yielding your current circumstances and current results.
"conscious"... realize your thinking mind, your logical thinking, your conscious mind is responsible for only 20% of your results.
"it will rule your life"... Currently, your results are being ruled / created by your self-image, your self-esteem, your belief system.
"you will call it fate"... Everything that happens to you, through you, and with you is caused. The law of cause and effect is real. You do not have to play the cards you have been delt; that you have the power to change your circumstances.
Your actions or inaction is a cause of todays' results.
Are you reaching your goals? Stop for a moment. Let's all just stop! This is a great time to re-align our behavior with the goals and results we say we want and stop using "busy-ness" as an alibi or excuse.
Please take time now, just set aside 15 minutes to be still. Reflect. Think on these things. Breath. Write down a few things you wish to change and recognize just who is in control of your decisions. By the way, that too is a decision. Will you do that?
It makes a difference.
You will thank me later.
Special Thanks to my friend Andy Hall. Andy Hall Coaching for the insightful breakdown of the Carl Jung Quote. Visit Andy here.