Please join us tomorrow for...
INFuse Data Solutions
Data Analytics & Migration Specialists. Trusted data partner for leading UK organisations.
An Introduction to Microsoft Fabric Webinar. Hosted by INFuse Data Solutions.
Please join INFuse Data Solutions and Nick Hilton tomorrow Thursday 12th October at 11am for our first webinar "An Introduction to Microsoft Fabric"
Please click on the above link to register, view more details and for the link to join the webinar.
The session will last around 35 minutes and will cover an introduction to Microsoft Fabric, the core concepts, how it works and a demo of it in action.
Please click the above link prior to the event starting time to join. Your camera and microphone will be automatically disabled when you enter the webinar, but if you have any questions at all during the session please do not hesitate to leave them in the chat box and a member of our team will answer them for you.
Thanks again for your support and interest in this event. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
If you have any other questions, please email [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!