Please help me to help those in need.
Robert Moorehead-Lane
Risk professional with experience and a strong technology and future focus.
Helping others with my suffering – Please help me make someone’s life better
Hi everyone you all know me and those who know me very well will know I am a complete nutter.
In explanation I am a triathlete that competes in the Ironman Triathlon races that consist of:
Swimming 2.4 miles
Cycling 112 miles
Running 26.2 miles
This year I have been very honored and privileged to be chosen to represent the Ironman Foundation Triathlon Team. We are providing funds and support for a local charitable organization within the community of the race we are competing in. For the team that race is Ironman Chattanooga on the 27th September. The Charity is the Chattanooga food bank, which is a very worthwhile cause.
We will be providing assistance to the food bank in the week leading up to the race and also providing them with as much financial support as possible, which is where you come in.
I would be immensely grateful if you could visit my donation page and pledge whatever you can afford to a worthwhile cause to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Thank you so much for your help and I will be thinking of all the generous donations on the 27th September as I struggle around the course.