Please Fit Your Fundraising Oxygen Mask
Robin Cabral, MA, CFRE, MFIA (USA and Australia)
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I tend to fly a lot these days. And, sometimes, I pay attention to those safety announcements. Qantas Airlines has done a great job of making them both fun and informative, which helps.
The one safety tip that I, and probably you, remember the most is the one about “Fit Your Oxygen Mask first.” You can’t help someone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.
So, with that in mind, I say to you that the best thing you can do this week and into the near future is to “fit your oxygen mask first.”
How can you “fit your oxygen mask first?” Well, here are some recommendations.
- Moderate your news and, especially, your social media consumption. I am finding that while I have personally gotten caught up in non-stop browsing, it has accelerated my stress level. Check sources of postings and be sure that information is coming from recent and verifiable sources.
- Set personal expectations. Sometimes there are things that we do not have control over. Understand which items you have no control over and take control of the things that you do. We are all feeling a bit out of control. Sometimes even angry. That’s all OK for a bit.
- Take time during this isolation for reflection. Where are you headed? What are some of your goals? It is a great time for self-reflection and introspection. Use this time. Get a journal. Write about your fears, your hopes, and your dreams. This moment too shall pass, and when it does, you want to be ready to move forward into a new, even better life.
- Be that positive light in the world today. Why focus and ruminate on the negative of the present set of circumstances. Share positive stories, quotes, and, maybe even light humor on social media. Be the light for someone else who is suffering and may also need a break from their newsfeed.
- Take time to be out in nature. There is nothing like connecting with nature and realizing just how resilient it can be. While life seems so jarring and chaotic, a step outside will ground you to the fact that life is continuing along to much bigger rhythms. Nature bounces back after drought, fires, etc. Hope springs eternal.
- >>Quick station break – article continues below and you’ll want to get your hot little hands all over my new 7 Tips to Take Back Control of Your Time Guide. Get a copy of your guide here!>>>
- Focus on your work. Right now, organizations are hurting and being impacted. Dedicate yourself to serving your mission 100% or even more. Focusing on your work will “take you away” from what is spinning “out of control” around you. Your mission deserves it.
- Eat right, exercise, and sleep. Life patterns have now been wholly thrown out of sync. It is easy to cut back on each of these things. However, you cannot give up on your self-care. Never mind the fact that healthy food, exercise, and sleep all boost your immunity.
- Call those who are alone. Now is the time to reach out to those who are the most vulnerable and be that “buddy.” Check-in on your mom, your dad, your friends, your donors, your volunteers. Just let them know that they are not alone. These are scary times and imagine how they are feeling. They have always been there for you. Now is the time to be that person.
- It’s OK to cry. I have. And, in this past year, I have lived through drought, fires, and floods here in Australia, and I didn’t cry. But, this seems different, more significant, larger. It is impacting all those that we serve and care about, including ourselves, but yet we can’t do anything about it. It’s OK to cry. Man or woman. Big or small. Let it out. It’s OK.
- As everyone says, “This too shall pass.” And, the truth is it will. But, things may not be quite the same ever again. Things will be different. Maybe we will have more love, less selfishness, and greed. Maybe blessings may come out of this. I suppose it’s our choice.
A lot of blog articles focus on what you should be doing. Like what about your event? Communicating with your donors? Whether or not you should be appealing or not?
Let me be the one to say, “Take care of YOU first.”
So, when you get up tomorrow morning, fit your “oxygen mask first.” and then be on your way to doing good.
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Robin Cabral, a LinkedIn Top Voice in Philanthropy, is a CFRE expert who is providing Strategy and Career Coaching for Emerging and Advancing Fundraisers and Executive Directors
As a “top in the field” Certified Fund-Raising Executive who has been billed as one of Linked In’s top philanthropy voices of the year, I have the skills and experience to focus your efforts, drive your results, and enhance your ability and confidence through easy to understand and informative strategies, tools, and templates.
I provide fundraising strategies, tactics, and tools including coaching, consulting, training, and content for fundraising success.
Find out more at
Follow me on LinkedIn, Like me on Facebook, and on Twitter: @RobinCabralCFRE