Please don’t throw any paper towels in the toilet!!! Jay Abraham Explains Why? You should take heed!!!!

Hello Community, it is always refreshing to receive thought provoking communiques from Jay Abraham!!! How strong is your relevancy???? It is vitally important you know what impacts your relevancy, negatively and positively. Enjoy this message. Heed and Apply!!!

At your service,


Rickey johnson,


I hope THIS message goes viral; not because I am so brilliant. Rather because some people seem to be so illogical, imperceptive, insensitive, inconsiderate, thoughtless, indifferent, uncaring, unsympathetic.


Think about the consequences of all you do, say, or don’t do or say.


I mean REALLY! In the last week alone, I can honestly (and shockingly) say I have seen the sign about not flushing paper towels down toilets – in NO LESS than ten restrooms!!!


I mean, come on... who – or perhaps better, what kind of person thinks it’s right to do that?


More curious or outright disgusting – what kind of person uses paper towels for anything remotely connected to toilet functions. Give me a break!


But the lunacy of even having to post such an obvious “No-No” admonishment above a toilet or urinal amazes me.


People have lost either respect for (or comprehension of) the implications of their actions. This brings me to something I’ve been deeply reflecting on for quite a while, now. But this is the first time I’ve expressed it in any semi-cohesive form.


Apologies if this first attempt at integrating multiple related thoughts comes out a bit disjointed. The combined message is more than worth slogging through, trust me.


And THIS discussion today is purely philosophical, ideological and ethically charged. I’m selling absolutely nothing here – EXCEPT selling you on exercising far greater empathic perception in everything you do – which ironically gives you quantum times greater advantage in every outcome you get. And in case no one ever told you – life (and business) is all about inputs and outcomes.


And NO I am NOT accusing you of paper towel “toilet stuffing” (PTTS as we call it in abreviology)! But I AM suggesting that life… and business IS about attaining – and maintaining – maximum ethical advantage.


Perhaps THE greatest undervalued and under-practiced advantage an entrepreneur – or human being for that matter – can command IS empathic respect and comprehensive sensitivity for what the other side is experiencing in ANY interaction that ever takes place.


Let’s be specific:


Certainly paper towels and toilets are example. Or canceling/being late for a professional appointment (i.e., doctor, dentist, therapist, hair, massage, repair service call AT THE LAST MINUTE for no real justifiable reason – and not realizing that YOU just cost the professional income, lost opportunity cost, effort.


Either that professional has to pay staff and overhead you took from him/her without compensation. Or that person allocated the most precious asset he/she possesses (their billable time) for you – and you disrespected it.


BTW, I ALWAYS pay professionals for their time/fee if I cancel last minute and they get stuck on the losing end.


Let’s get into more areas where we miss the boat through imperceptivity.


Smaller entrepreneurs don’t grasp that their staff has hitched THEIR respective futures to that entrepreneur and business, too!


Entrepreneurs tend to be strongly self-focused on building THEIR business, creating THEIR financial prosperity/security. They frequently fail to grasp that their team members have the same (relative) concerns/aspirations on a different scale that deserves respecting, nourishing – appreciating, acknowledging.


Or what about people who make an appointment with a legitimate salesperson (who only has his/her time to invest) and doesn’t even give a courtesy call to cancel – just doesn’t show up either on the phone or in person, then doesn’t respond back to sincere efforts that salesperson makes to reconnect.


He/she is a relevant human being with the same kind of hopes, dreams, bills, family responsibilities, rent or mortgage as the person who bailed on them. Why should one person think THEY are more relevant than the other? Arrogant and ignorant thinking at its worst!


OR… People consumed with talking about THEIR issues, THEIR lives, THEIR hopes / dreams / frustrations – without showing the slightest interest or respect in the other side’s equivalent circumstances or life?


OR… I find it a bit incredulous when people sign up for a free sumptuous dinner at a top restaurant and are then offended, when – at the end, a sales offer is made.


Same goes for attendees to three or four day star-studded, super-cheap conferences that are nothing but sell-a-thons! Come on! What were YOU expecting for $49?


I’m jumping around a bit, I know; but it’s all an offshoot of the same foundational root issue:


We ALL lack some degree (or for some people-ANY) critical thinking, consequential thinking, empathic thinking, reciprocal thinking skills.


We don’t seem to possess the capacity to appreciate the implications, ramifications, perceptions and burdens, or dis-acknowledgements our actions or inactions produce.


I’ve been obsessed for the last year with this concept of ethical, intangible advantage.


But even more powerful is understanding the effects relevancy or lack thereof produces. They are profound.


Think about it. Literally, EVERYTHING that happens in a life or business (other than acts of G-d, catastrophic or good fortune “accidents”) flows directly from the font of relevancy. The more relevant, the greater the positive result – if we don’t mismanage its positive capabilities (think multiplier vs diminisher of people)

But allow your relevancy factor in someone’s eyes to drop or stagnate, and the results are the polar opposite. This element of human interaction holds such a profound spectrum of impact. You MUST acknowledge: relevancy makes people want to be with you, buy from you, work for/with you, read/watch/respond to your marketing. Relevancy gets phone calls returned, appointments honored, dinner invitations extended/attended, points of view respected, people’s time/attention committed.


Relevancy is the lifeblood of all relationships: both business and personal. And boy is IT dynamic – in the literal sense – it propels or repels the bonds in any relationship, business or personal.


You do one thing wrong, mismanage a situation / interaction / expectation – and POOF, your relevancy diminishes – and conceivably can NEVER be regained again.


Wild how relevancy shifts and changes from situation to situation, communication-to-communication, interaction on the food chain to interaction.


Relevancy drives everything – so, too, does commanding ethical advantage (implicitly or explicitly/knowingly or not). Yet, few people grasp anything close to understanding all the integrative ways advantage gets created directly / indirectly, tangibly / intangibly, overtly (and subtly) obvious (and unnoticed).


What’s all this rambling / musing mean?


I’m still sorting it ALL out. But a few things ARE clear...


First— without consequential / critical thinking skills we are at severe disadvantages in our lives and careers.


Second— without respect and empathic ability to examine, genuinely appreciate, understand, respect and acknowledge how the other side in every interaction sees life – we are at a disadvantage.


Third— without the ability to be and stay “fluidly relevant” in the mind of everyone we interact with – we are at a disadvantage.


Fourth— the whole concept of advantage gaining / maintaining is little understood – and without ethical/authentic mastery of this power force – and ALL its sources – we are severely disadvantaged.


Fifth --  life really is a joyous / wonderful game. But if you don’t understand the rules governing the winning at it – you can’t win.


Sixth— no one wants to be/ feel average, mediocre, disrespected, irrelevant – not YOU nor anyone else you ever interact with.




I probably befuddle many of you with my, perhaps, more erudite takes on life. You probably would rather get a killer simplistic “no-brainer” tactic to run with in your business instead of a broad/sweeping macro explanation of how elements of all aspects of life work.


But I am squarely focused on sharing far more of an elevated worldview to provide you with lifetime commanding advantage.


There are far too many “tactic vendors” out there. You don’t need me to be another one of them.


A suggestion: review my work on Preeminence, and see “Are YOU A Multiplier Or Diminisher?”


Review our document on critical thinking.


Listen / read the transcript of my interview of the late Stephen R. Covey (Part 1 : Part 2). And a classic Tony Robbins interview of coaching legend John Wooden.


Finally — Await more cohesive explanation and guidance from me – again, think about the consequences of all you do, say, or don’t do or say.




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