Please come out to express your feelings about this gentrification plan in Hempstead!

Please come out to express your feelings about this gentrification plan in Hempstead!

The well planned Caucasian White flight from Hempstead in the 60s and 70s left under 1K Caucasians left in Hempstead, residing mainly near the well maintained Garden City/West Hempstead borders.

These same planners have and continue to displace Blacks in Hempstead and plan on re-settling wealthier Caucasians into an gentrified upscale “New Hempstead” that will not renew current survivor’s condition, but will worsen it by overtaxing survivors to subsidize these re-settlers wealthy lifestyle that will bless them for generations.

This is all enabled by quiet residents, sell out Village Board officials and their noisy gatekeepers.?

The corrupt board members should be thrown into garbage containers and thrown out with the rest of the trash.?

Please come out to express your feelings about this massive mis-development plan!

The following notice is from Community Advocate/Activist Katherine Garry:

“As you know, for 10 years the upper caste has been trying to trick Hempstead residents into supporting their own displacement.??It is getting worse right now because the upper caste is conducting a major scam and has secured the support of a number of local sell outs who are being used, in conjunction with a high-caste public relations firm, to trick and distract the honest residents from remembering that the downtown plan is based on outrageous PILOT tax breaks for the construction of over 3,400 units of luxury housing units for the rich. As you know, this will not only overcrowd the community with 10,000?unwanted residents, it will bankrupt a lot of homeowners who will be forced to subsidize the developers and the new residents with huge PILOT tax breaks.?

???????The village sell-outs, along with a highly trained public relations firm, will be holding two public meetings Sept 8th and 10th in order to brain-wash the honest folk into thinking that these merciless developers are actually interested in creating a downtown to serve the needs and interests of the honest residents instead of the interests of the rich.

??????The current situation is that these certain sell-outs, who used to pretend they opposed the plan, are now silent and of course silence is complicity.?The sell-outs are supporting the take-over because they actually look down on black folk who live in low-income apartment buildings and who have, so-call, not made it yet into so-call "prosperity". These sell-outs are prepared to use the low income people as scapegoats and sacrifice them so that the upper class can move in and take-over.??The plan is then to build an expensive downtown for the upper caste and the sell-outs.

??????What is it, Oh People of Hempstead, What is it? that you have failed to express any outrage over the theft of all your parking lots.?No one just gives away land like that!!??And so, why are you not outraged.?Is it because your own leaders have betrayed you????Do you not know that your lives matter and are important and are not meant to be trampled on like this !!!??Is it not time to come to these phony meetings and confront the sell-outs.??RENAISSANCE MUST BE FORCED TO GET OUT OF TOWN, BE FORCED TO GIVE BACK THE STOLEN PARKING LOTS, AND BE FORCED TO COMPENSATE HEMPSTEAD FOR THE TEN YEARS LOST BECAUSE OF THEIR LIES AND DECEPTION.??Only then will Hempstead Be Free to Determine its Own Destiny in Line with Its Own Purposes and Aspirations.”??K--

Meeting Dates:

Wednesday, September 8th, 7 pm, Hempstead Library


Friday, September 10th, 7 pm, Kennedy Park


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