Guilty of Innocence
Pavan Datta
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
Balraj Sahu (Not ????? ????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ) owns two bighas of land in Balia. Like Nargis's family in Mother India, his family also survive with hardly one meal a day. For which again they have to depend on Nature God for giving enough rains at proper time for crops.
System as usual keeps no stone unturned for testing their patience. The sahukar of Mother India type tried his best to mortgage Balraj's two bighas land in lieu of loan. But he never got in his trap as he knew that when he is not in position to pay then why should he take loan.
He is having ample Knowledge But Zero Education. He can predict the weather with his experience without any costly gadgets, like when it will rain etc.
He is having ample wealth of Honesty But zero Earnings. His only earning are his crops and income of his wife Radha by washing utensils of Sarpanch family.
He is worldly Smart but not Handsome. He got himself sterilised voluntraily after two children. One son Harishchandra and daughter Sumitra.
He is rich in Moral Values But with Zero Bank Balance in Jandhan account. At time of demonetisation his bank balance was zero (???? ??? ???) His bank manager convinced him a lot to earn 60,000/- Rupees by allowing to transact in his account but Balraj didn't compromise with his principals.
He is strong in Patience But weak in Maths. GOD has tested his patience 'N' number of times that he has forgot the counting of those sufferings.
Son Harishchandra goes to free primary school in village and helps father in fields. He is very bright in studies. Daughter Sumitra helps her mother in household work.
Harishchandra gets scholarship and completes his graduation in nearby town. Sumitra and her mother Radha started doing cleaning jobs at Sarpanch house too for earning two times food for family.
Sarpanch, who is having bad eye on mother daughter due tells Balraj that he will get made a fake caste certificate for Harishchandra. Based on which he can get some job or even preference in civil services exams under reservation quota.
Harishchandra is as truthful and honest like his father and refuses to do any wrong doing. He convinces his father to let him go to Delhi for doing some job, earning from which will help him in feeding family and carry on his studies for civil services.
Harishchandra comes to Delhi and tries his best to find some good administrative or clerical job. System overturned all his efforts because he is not ready to do compromise on his ethical values. Society even humiliate his well deserved graduation degree as a waste paper.
Harishchandra kept his habit of living with truth (Satyadev jayate, ??????? ????) by paying heavy prices. He started serving at vegetable vendor shop as an assistant, which helped him in to survive in costly living of Delhi. Shop owner founds him quite honest and soon promoted him to be the purchase head. He was assigned the job of going to Azadpur Mandi for all purchases and taking control of cash counter. He being quite honest never told any lies and never tried to steal a single penny from his purchase & sales activities.
His owner increased his salary, which helped him in sending regular funds to his family in Balia. On his request his mother and sister left doing petty jobs of doing household cleaning and washing utensils.
Things were almost on track with family at least able to manage three times food daily with double shift earnings by hero Harishchandra. But society has some different testing plans ahead for him.
Balraj called Harishchandra and informed that a good proposal for Sumitra marriage has come from decent family. By GOD's grace they have not demanded any dowry but want good reception for around 150 baratis. The total money required is around 75,000/- rupees for wedding.
Harishchandra tells that his master is very nice & he will take loan from him. His father reminds him that for money not to tell lies or steal it. If money is not arranged then don't bother much, we will look for any other marriage proposal.
Harishchandra informs his owner Chamanlal that he needs one lakh rupees as advance, which he will return within one year in regular instalments. Chamanlal being pure Delhiite thinks that for grabbing advance Harishchandra is making excuse of sister marriage. If he lends him money, he will run away to his native village. Being short sighted Chamanlal didn't visualise he would loose an honest dedicated employee. By giving false excuses he refused Harishchandra for advance.
Harishchandra shared his problem with his vegetable vendor Brijlal in Azadpur Mandi. Brijlal, who knew the honesty & potential of Harishchandra, advised him to start selling his own vegetables for which he will give him vegetables & fruits on credit. He arranged a cart on rent from his friend. Brijlal gave him another loan of 15,000/- for sending home to start preparation for marriage, which got scheduled in coming Diwali, which was seven months away.
Harishchandra started selling fruits and vegetables in different market on cart to avoid conflict with his ex employer Chamanlal. The margins being good, he could easily afford sending another 15,000/- next month to his home. Marriage preparations were on in full swing at village. Things looks simple but as in original story of Raja Harishchandra, some more cruel rigid test were on his way.
Turning Point
Harishchandra was busy in selling his fruits to one of customer. One policeman came with his teenage son, after negotiating he asked for fruits worth 400/-. He took his wallet out and picked 500/- currency note to pay Harishchandra, who was packing his orders.(I know it looks little odd that a policeman pays for his fruits in Delhi, anyways its my story) Policeman's son brilliantly snatched 500/- from his father's fingers. Harishchandra gave his packet and asked for his 400 bucks. Policeman thinking that he had already paid 500/- starting arguing that the currency note lying near to weighing scale is his given note.
Harishchandra politely states sir, this note was given by previous customer. You please check. Policeman's son shouts " You scoundrel, my father had just given you this 500/-, I have seen with my own eyes"
Listening shouting sound, as usual curious free public gather near to cart. One of which is owner of fruits vegetable shop of that area, whose sale & selling prices dropped due to honest Harishchandra. He also shouts "Yeah, I have seen this note was given by this gentleman only"
Harishchandra requests & pleads with folded hands that he has not received any payments from him. Policeman picks the packet and yells "You just say sorry and return my 100/-, I will forgive you. Otherwise you would have to suffer a lot. You don't know I am a police man."
Harishchandra : You don't pay me my money that is tolerable but I will never say sorry as I am true and honest.
Policeman: Do you mean I am lying?
Harishchandra: I never said so sir. I am just saying I didn't receive any 500/- from you and this note is of different customer. If you don't want to give money that's fine but don't put blame on me.
Some people from public shouts: This vegetable vendor is thief. These poor people try to extract money from innocent public.
Other shouts: They come from neighbouring state empty handed and make millions here in Delhi by these fraudulent activities.
Policeman's son to cover his fraud catches collar of Harishchandra and yells "say sorry, you bastard"
A well built Harishchandra pushes him back and says "If you don't want to give money then please go away but please don't abuse my mother"
Taking advantage of situation shop owner dials 100 and this time the PCR van comes within three minutes. They take policeman, Harishchandra with his cart to nearest police station. Station house officer advices Harishchandra to apologise and he will let him go. Harishchandra repeats sir, when I am not wrong, why should I apologise. As the system runs, a FIR is registered under section of IPC 406 and 420 for criminal breach of trust and cheating.
Harishchandra is arrested and as predicted his fruits and vegetables are distributed between policemen not looted at police station. He is produced in Courts and without even a blink of eye, Court orders him for 14 days Judicial custody (JC).
After 14 days he is again produced in Courts but Courts stopped working because lawyers went on strike. Reason of strike is that one petrol pump guy had put petrol in one of lawyer's diesel car, when lawyer was busy on phone. Harishchandra is remanded to another 14 days in JC.
Next time Court is on leave so again JC extended. Next time he was lucky that his case was heard. Court asked where is his lawyer? He said he does not need as he has not committed any crime. Court orders for providing free lawyer to him at government cost and extends JC.
On next date appointed lawyer is not traceable, obviously JC got extended. Next date new lawyer is appointed. Next date new lawyer asks for time to study case. I am sure you guys are remembering Sunny Deol dialogue of Bollywood flick Damini "????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????, ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ?????) But what to do it's ongoing system.
Now with his soft attitude, truthfulness and honesty, Harishchandra becomes the favourite and friendly of all inmates including hardcore criminals along with jail staff.
After around three years while going to attend court hearing in police van, one of inmate asks for a Bidi from security personnel Hawaldar Ramkishan.
Harishchandra: ???? (Uncle), I have see whenever any inmates ask you for a bidi ????? (Indian Cigarette), you oblige them. Why are you doing so?
Ramkishan: There are lot of reasons. One is if we refuse them they start hurling abuses, which spoils the environment. I know some of my colleagues prefer refusing but ultimately it creates more bitterness. If I don't give them they will buy @ 500/- in jail, which again increases criminality.
Harishchandra: So ???? you think 'in killing crimes not the criminals'. Whereas facts are totally opposite in jail, which I have seen myself.
Ramkishan: I know very well these jails are not reform centres as claimed by forces rather these jails are factories of criminals which produce hardcore criminals from petty thieves.
Harishchandra: ???? , I am not even a thief, Then why am I suffering?
Ramkishan: I know dear. You are not the only sufferer there are hundreds of such innocents, who are rotting in these overcrowded jail.
Harishchandra: You mean lot of undertrials are being forced to become hard cores. I think this is because undertrials are kept with convicted hard core criminals in same jails.
Ramkishan: You are right. You know undertrials are responsblity of courts because Courts are their guardians.
Harishchandra: Irony is courts themselves are fulfilling these jails by not paying any heeds to undertrials.
Ramkishan: These are decisions of higher authorities, we are just pawns in this system.
Harishchandra: This system is rotten everywhere ???? . I read in United States jails are privatised. Legal system is even bribed in US for filling those private jails.
Ramkishan: You are so intelligent, you should have been a collector.
Harishchandra: With parents blessings, I have cleared my civil services exams from jail.
Ramkishan: I am little confused that inspite of my requests you have not sent any letter to your parents but you keep on thanking them.
Harishchandra: My father is a strong man, he must be taking care of all. But if I send letter from jail, he will die of shame. So I have left everything on GOD. I am sure, soon my truth will win.
Ramkishan: Your parents are blessed to have you as child.
Harishchandra: Chacha you are in this same job since decades, please tell me one thing. Why they take undertrials to courts after every two weeks just for nothing?
Ramkishan: I think this system is being followed since British era. Undertrials are basically responsibility of Courts. So courts wish to see your well being that's why you people are produced before courts every two weeks.
Harishchandra: In these three years, I have seen different number of courts but no body had ever asked my well being. They may see us through video conferencing, which is installed in jail.
Ramkishan: Why are you kicking on our belly. If they do this, how will our department survive?
Harishchandra: I read government is spending around 14000/-on every undertrial per month for keeping in jail & producing in courts. Isn't it pure wastage of tax payers money.
Ramkishan: Now you are kicking on belly of legal fraternity. Jokes aside these all matters go above our head. We are just part of system.
Harishchandra: You see for my case of theft of just 500/- Government must have spent more than five lakhs and still I am suffering. Even if one is petty thief, with these rupees, government can make him a settled law abiding citizen.
Ramkishan: Their Families suffer more than undertrials. But we can't change the system.
Harishchandra: That's the irony: poor can't change the system, middle calls don't have time to change the system and upper class don't wish to change the system.
In courts a genuine young lady lawyer Kavita appointed by Courts read Harishchandra's charge sheet and case.
Kavita advices Harishchandra that he has already spent three years in jail so he should plead guilty and she will convince the courts to release him with sentence period already spent.
Harishchandra requests Kavita that why should he plead guilty for a crime, which he never committed and add a life time tag of convicted criminal on his head.
Kavita: Think for your family, they must be suffering without you.
Harishchandra: I don't what has happened with my family as I am in no way connected with them. GOD must be taking care of them. My parents has always taught me that never tell lies , whatsoever comes and truth will always win.
Kavita: See you are suffering from more than three years, so how come truth has won. This system is different here more you tell lies, the more success you get.
Harishchandra: I don't agree with you madam. I cannot tell lie that I have stolen 500/-
Kavita: See this mere 500/- has brought you from where to where. You are not even in touch with your family.
I being the author know about my hero Harishchandra's family. So let me take you guys to flashback.
From The Day when Harishchandra was arrested
On that day Harishchandra's rented empty cart was made as case property by police. As Harishchandra was not having mobile phones and friends, his arrest message could not be transmitted in his network.
Cart owner, when didn't receive his rent went to Brijlal the wholesale vendor. When not able to contact, they perceived that Harishchandra may have cheated them and ran away to his native village. After abusing the migrants in general they wrote of the money and got involved in other day to day problems.
Back at Village
Balraj performed engagement ceremony of his daughter Sumitra. After a month when they didn't receive any news and money from Harishchandra, they got worried but being helpless couldn't do anything. They waited for months but no news heard. Their all savings were lost. They didn't have any options except to wait and pray GOD.
After around two years long waiting eyes of Balraj got closed permanently. His wife Radha started cultivating the fields. Marriage of Sumitra was called off. Sumitra was forced to do the house cleaning job at Sarpanch's house.
One evening after cleaning utensils & house, Sumitra was about to leave. Sarpanch requested her to wash his clothes and she may leave after that. Sumitra said she would wash it tomorrow. Sarpanch told his wife and children had gone to his in laws house & tomorrow morning he has to go. So he needs his cloth urgently.
After coming from fields, when Radha didn't find Sumitra at home, she rushed to Sarpanch's home. She got devastated seeing sarpanch forcing himself on Sumitra. She got furious and pushed sarpanch away from Sumitra.
Sarpanch takes his recover out & in full force slaps her. He tears her clothes apart and tied her naked body to the chair. In anger now he pulls Sumitra by neck. He orders her to take off her clothes otherwise he will shoot her mother.
Helpless Sumitra obeys as directed and take off her clothes. Impatient Sarpanch is not able to control himself further dying to fulfil his long pending lusty desires of having duo. In over excitement he puts his revolver down for taking his clothes off to complete his dirty game plan . Without wasting a moment, Sumitra picks the revolver and fires point blank on Sarpanch chest. Sarpanch dies on spot and fell on floor.
Sumitra and her mother leave the village in haste, taking revolver with them. No one ever saw them again in village afterwards.
Current Day
In today's Court hearing, Court asks Harishchandra if he pleads guilty, he will be released. Kavita argues his case well and explains the facts, why he is not pleading guilty. Kavita explains to Court that how a policeman out of vendetta registered a false case and chargesheeted him on the fabricated witnesses of saying that 500/- currency note was same, which was given by complainant. Whereas in his complaint, he never mentioned any currency note number, in country there are millions of such 500/- notes printed by government. How could police confirm that particular note of 500/- was same, which was given by complainant to Harishchandra. First time Court did pay heed to his case and orders release of Harishchandra with immediate effect.
Kavita informs Harishchandra that she will send the release order by today evening in jail for his immediate release.
While going back in police van, Harishchandra notices one of his village mate Ramlal in the van.
Ramlal with clearly shock in his eyes: Are you Harishchandra from Balia?
Harishchandra: Of course, what happened to you Ramlal? How could you land up in jail van?
Ramlal: I will tell you later but how come you are here. Everyone in village thinks you are dead.
Harishchandra: How could they think that?
Ramlal: When you didn't come on your father funeral, everyone were assured that you are no more.
Harishchandra with tears in eyes: Did Sumitra get married?
Ramlal: Marriage was called off anyways let us discuss how come you are here?
Harishchandra: You are trying to change the topic. Tell me fast what happened to them.
Ramlal: No body knows where they are? They left the village without meeting any one?
Harishchandra: You are hiding something? Please tell me for GOD sake.
Ramlal: Sarpanch tried to rape Sumitra? Both killed him and fled the village.
While signing final releasing order Jail Supertendent says to Harishchandra: My son, I am sure you had suffered a lot due to system failure. Now be strong and clear you finals for civil services and be a decision maker to change the system.
Stunned unresponsive Harishchandra leaves jail without uttering a word.
? Pavan Datta
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant............................................................................... Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything............ Mark Twain
My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.................................................................Abraham Lincoln
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction.
Always Indebted & Grateful to my Parents (GOD)
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
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Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
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Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
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Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
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