Playwright End-to-End Testing Framework (UI+API) with Azure DevOps Pipeline
playwright test automation & azure devops pipeline

Playwright End-to-End Testing Framework (UI+API) with Azure DevOps Pipeline

Main topics covered:

- Page Object Model Design Pattern

- UI Automation - Web Application

- API Testing - REST API's

- Azure DevOps Pipeline - CI CD with YAML or without YAML File

- Visual Studio Code

  • What is Playwright? and Advantages, Limitations?

Playwright is an open-source automation testing tool which is used test end to end modern web mobile applications in headed or headless mode.


  • Cross Browser Testing - Chrome, Edge, Chromium, Firefox & Webkit.
  • Cross Platform Testing - Windows, Linux & MacOS.
  • Cross Programming Language - JavaScript, TS, Python, .NET & Java.
  • Mobile/Web - Mobile emulation of Google Chrome for Android and Mobile Safari.
  • Auto Wait
  • Tracing
  • Reporting
  • Dynamic Wait Assertions
  • Faster & Reliable
  • Powerful Tooling – Codegen, Playwright Inspector & Trace Viewer
  • No flaky test


  • Playwright does not have a big community compared to selenium webdriver.
  • It does not work on legacy browsers such IE11.
  • It is not possible to test with real device mobile apps.

  1. Below playwright session covers UI Automation Testing

2. Below playwright session covers API Automation Testing

3. Integrating Playwright with Azure DevOps Pipeline

Step 1: Firstly, Let's start installing Playwright using below command.

npm init playwright@latest        

Step 2: Create all the folders listed in below snapshot.

playwright framework folders

Step 3: Add the configurations in .env file.

playwright .env file

Step 4: Create page object model pages.

page object model

This is how sample page object model page looks like

sample page object model page.

Step 5: Create UI automation test spec file.

// Include playwright module
const {test, expect} = require('@playwright/test');
const { HomePage } = require('../pages/homepage');
const { ResultPage } = require('../pages/resultpage');
const { PlaylistPage } = require('../pages/playlistpage');
import { qaTestData } from "../test-data/qa/google.json";
import { stageTestData } from "../test-data/stage/google.json";

let testData = null;

test.beforeAll('Running before all tests', ()=>{
    if(process.env.ENV == 'qa'){
        testData = qaTestData;
        testData = stageTestData;

// Write a test
test('Ui automation test in playwright', async({page}) =>{
    // Go to URL
    const homepage = new HomePage(page);
    await homepage.goto();
    // Search with keywords

    // Click on playlist
    const resultpage = new ResultPage(page);

    await page.waitForTimeout(4000);

    // Click on video
    const playlistpage = new PlaylistPage(page);

    await page.waitForTimeout(8000);

Step 6: Run playwright UI tests.

npx playwright test        

Step 7: Create API automation test spec file.

const { test, expect } = require("@playwright/test");
const postRequest = require("../test-data/api-requests/post_request_body.json");
const tokenRequest = require("../test-data/api-requests/token_request_body.json");
const { json } = require("stream/consumers");

  baseURL: process.env.API_BASE_URI.toString()

test("End to End api test in playwright", async ({ request }) => {
  // create post api request using playwright
  const postAPIResponse = await"/booking", {
    data: postRequest,

  const bookingId = await postAPIResponse.json();
  const bId = bookingId.bookingid;

  // create GET api request using playwright
  const getAPIResponse = await request.get("/booking/", {
    params: {
      firstname: "testers talk playwright",
      lastname: "testers talk api testing",

  // validate status code
  console.log(await getAPIResponse.json());

  // generate token
  const tokenAPIResponse = await"/auth", {
    data: tokenRequest,

  console.log(await tokenAPIResponse.json());
  const tokenResponseBody = await tokenAPIResponse.json();
  const tokenNo = tokenResponseBody.token;

  // partial update booking details
  const patchAPIResponse = await request.patch(`/booking/${bId}`, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      Cookie: `token=${tokenNo}`,
    data: {
      firstname: "testers talk postman",
      lastname: "testers talk rest assured",

  console.log(await patchAPIResponse.json());

  // DELETE api request
  // partial update booking details
  const deleteAPIResponse = await request.delete(`/booking/${bId}`, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Cookie": `token=${tokenNo}`,

Step 8: Run playwright API tests.

npx playwright test        

Step 9: Verify playwright test report in playwright-report folder.

playwright index.html

How to Integrate Playwright with Azure DevOps Pipeline?

There are 2 options, option1 is using yaml file & option2 is without using yaml file. let's see one by one.

  1. Option1 - Using YAML FileStep1: Create a new project in ADO then Click on Project

create project

Step2: Click on Repos & Let's create new repository, Click on New repository.

create repository

Step3: Enter Repository name & Click on Create

Step4: Click on Clone button and get the URL. Go to your system then clone repository.

Clone repository

Step5: Add all the playwright framework folders inside cloned repository.

Push all the code into azure devops

Step6: Push all the folders into Azure DevOps

Step7: Repository is ready now, let's create pipeline. Click on Pipelines->Create Pipeline

create pipeline in azure devops

Step8: Click on Azure Repos Git

Step9: Select previously created repository.

Step10: Select Starter Pipeline

Step11: Copy below yaml content and paste it inside azure-pipelines.yml file.

- main

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- task: NodeTool@0
    versionSpec: '18'
  displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: npm ci
  displayName: 'npm ci'
- script: npx playwright install --with-deps
  displayName: 'Install Playwright browsers'
- script: npx playwright test
  displayName: 'Run Playwright tests'
    CI: 'true'        

If you are running in self-hosted agent replace pool commands

   name: AgentPoolName
   - -equals AgentName        

Step12: Click on Save and run

Create .yml file

Step13: You will see job queued like this.

Step14: Click on Job & Verify build status.

Step15: Now let's Upload playwright-report folder with Azure Pipelines & Report generation. Firstly update azure-pipelines.yml file

- main

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- task: NodeTool@0
    versionSpec: '18'
  displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: npm ci
  displayName: 'npm ci'
- script: npx playwright install --with-deps
  displayName: 'Install Playwright browsers'
- script: npx playwright test
  displayName: 'Run Playwright tests'
    CI: 'true'

- task: PublishTestResults@2
  displayName: 'Publish test results'
    searchFolder: 'test-results'
    testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
    testResultsFiles: 'e2e-junit-results.xml'
    mergeTestResults: true
    failTaskOnFailedTests: true
    testRunTitle: 'My End-To-End Tests'
  condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
    targetPath: playwright-report
    artifact: playwright-report
    publishLocation: 'pipeline'
  condition: succeededOrFailed()        

Step16: Verify playwright-report folder attachment & report. From job we can navigate into artifacts folder. Download playwright report and verify results.

playwright test results
upload playwright report into pipeline

Above code can be found in GitHub Repository - BakkappaN/PlaywrightBaseAutomationFramework: Playwright Base Automation Framework (

Playwright Playlist -

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Happy Learning!!

Sneha Sivakumar

Helping companies ship faster by automating testing ??? Founder @Spur, CS @Yale, Prev @Figma, Snap

1 年

Interesting stuff!

Congratulations on your first article, Bakkappa N [ Testers Talk ]! It's great to see you diving into Playwright End-to-End Testing Framework with Azure DevOps Pipeline.

Bakkappa N

YouTuber @ Testers Talk | Content Creator | Playwright Cypress Selenium SDET Rest Assured API Postman | Automation Testing | QA Test Lead

1 年


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