PLAYMAKER Pillar #4: Your Play To Win Plan
Tiffany Yvonne
High-achieving leaders turn to me when they want to cultivate high-performing teams, disrupt burnout, navigate change, and design culture | Executive Coach | Transformational Speaker | E: [email protected]
PLAYMAKER Pillar #4: Your Play To Win Plan
Failing to plan is planning to fail.?
Every busy ambitious leader knows that— but when it comes to goal setting, there are a million models out there and it’s easy to get caught up in the thought of “which one will work best”.
The shocking answer is… the one you work at!?
Still, I want to share some insight that’s often left out of the conversation.
As a leader you likely use some version of SMART goals, ensuring that your goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound
It’s classic, timeless and it works. I like it.
If you have really stepped it up then maybe you know about an upgrade to that methodology — SMARTER Goals. Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Relevant, Time-bound, Exciting, and Risky
It’s an uplevel. It’s intriguing. I like it even more.
I love the risky and exciting components because risky goals stretch and challenge you and exciting goals help you keep your head in the game when change and challenges arise.?
My executive coaching style is all about cultivating easy-to-implement strategies that empower leaders to take action.? Shifting from SMART >>>>>> SMARTER is an absolute #WINWIN in? my book.
So what’s the missing part that makes these models (and the hundreds of others out there) even better?
I call it a P.L.A.Y. to Win Plan. It doesn’t replace the other models but instead compliments them in several ways…
Here's what P.L.A.Y. means:
(P)urpose: This is your north star, your why. It’s rooted in your values and it is necessary that you weigh each of your goals against this to ensure?you stay in your zone of genius and that you're positioned to give up that good enough life and intentionally design a life you absolutely love.
The questions to ask here are “Does this goal align with my highest self? Does this get me closer to designing a life I absolutely love without self sacrifice? (Think what will my legacy be?)
(L)eadership SELF Love: This is your permission slip to save yourself before saving or serving everyone else.?
The questions to ask here are, “Which goals are all about pouring into me so that I am best equipped to wear all the hats or juggle all the balls well? Where do I keep quitting on myself or putting myself last? What goals need to exist here so that I am energized and not drained?” (Think boundaries, capacity, and personal development)?
(A)mbition: This is usually easy for ambitious busy leaders and unfortunately where we can also see patterns of overworking show up. If most of your goals show up in this quadrant, it’s likely that work life balance is suffering.
The questions to ask here are, “Are these goals that light me up or am I just working for a check? Do these goals merge my income with my impact to create efficiencies and alignment? Do these goals help me work smarter, not harder? (Think What is my big CRAZY dream – the thing I would do if I knew I couldn’t fail.)
(Y)outhfulness: Yes, you need goals that bring back your inner child. These goals should spark your curiosity, cultivate innovation, and also just be fun for the sake of feeling joy. If none of your SMARTER goals fall in this quadrant … burnout will not be a stranger to you.
The questions to ask here are: “What goals brings me joy? When goals help me feel most alive? What makes me laugh? What would I do more of if money were no issue? Where is my happy place? How can I be there more often?” (Think ocean, dancing, yoga, running, sewing, whatever equated to pre-pandemic pastimes plus whatever got you through the quarantine without going bonkers.)
(S)lays: No it’s not just a cute Beyonce lyric but a critical leadership competitive advantage. Whether you wanna slay this quarter's deliverables, slay the sales goals before the end of the month, or slay 5k you signed up for at the end of the month – tasks more easily accomplished when you look and feel your best – when you’re operating with above the line energy.?
The questions to ask here are: “What am I wearing when I know I am about to bring my A-game? Who am I surrounded by when I feel most supported? What’s in my toolbox to help me navigate change and challenge when they arise???
(Think nutrition, rest, movement, positive self-talk, letting go of what no longer serves you and asking for help when it’s needed).
Here's the model:
After a recent breast cancer diagnosis, my mind whizzed around all the things I had yet to do in my “one world and precious life”. I thought “God, it doesn’t end right now does it? I still have so much left to do”.
It’s funny how we believe we want a million things to be “happy” but when you’re sick you only want one thing … to be healthy.?
I knew that I couldn’t stay wallowing in my despair of what if’s. Gratefully I received the news that the cancer was “early and tiny” which allowed me to stop "catastrophizing" and step boldly into action.
1st thing I did:?
Pulled out my PLAY to Win Plan and started to re-evaluate what mattered most. I put each goal on trial to ensure that it was truly centered in my purpose and I delegated or eliminated any and everything that no longer resonated. I also filled my youthfulness)quadrant with all sorts of bucket list items. When your life flashes before your eyes you get clear on what playing to win really means.?
Your leadership takeaway: Pull out a sheet of paper and draw 4 quadrants and put your SMART(ER) goals on trial. How has your plan been working for you? What quadrants need more? Less? What can you shift to really cultivate a PLAY to Win Plan??
Be sure to follow me or subscribe to get the next PLAYMAKER Pillar in next week’s blog!?
P - Purpose-Driven Payday
L - Leadership (Self) Love
A - Awareness > Imposter Syndrome
Y - Your Play To Win Plan
Peace, Love, Play,
Tiff Yvonne