Playing Your Whole Story
I am truly humbled by people; who they are and what they do. It happens a lot!
I was just about to say that "I have the fortune of meeting great people" here... but I think it is more than luck. There can be, and should be, intentionality in all the relationships we have.
I am more and more deliberate about two things:
Let's start with connecting. There are so many amazing people around and there is often a person behind everything we see, read, and hear. When you have the opportunity, always seek to start with a conversation. The patience to do this (and do it well, see my next point) is an investment into something bigger. The first meeting always matters.
The second point is where I bump right into this great quote:
Play your whole story.
The reference from the quote was an Adam Grant Podcast (Rethinking - 28/3/23) and it was in reference to not sweating the little things that went wrong when there is a bigger story with lots of things that went right. Great advice!
I want to explore it in a different context - people and relationships. We have a lot more to us than what is shared in the microcosm of a 1 hour meeting. Meaningful connection needs more than that.
It needs the time to create better conversation, the time to listen better and the time to get to know each other. This includes being vulnerable enough to play your whole story, and being respectfully curious enough to explore the whole story of the other person.
This week I:
My highlight would be having a meeting while sitting and lying down on the floor (which totally fitted the vibe and korero), and walking away feeling like a new adventure is about to begin.
Not every relationship needs to be like this, but I do think finding and cultivating them is a lot more than good fortune.
Only if you play your whole story.