Playing with Your Strength and Self-Awareness to Grow

Playing with Your Strength and Self-Awareness to Grow

In my previous articles, I discussed a lot about Coaching, Coach, and how to do coaching. But I realized that to truly understand a coaching process is to experience it for yourself, and the most appropriate role in learning coaching is as a coachee. When we become coachees, we can learn the coaching process directly and feel the impact right away. The same case with me, even though I am a coach, I often learn and train myself by becoming a coachee. In the coaching community where I am a member, there is a peer coaching program that is formally organized by ICF, where we share coaching experiences with fellow coaches, as well as open requests from coaches directly, both in local and global communities.

What's interesting is that at the end of each coaching session that I attended, I was able to increase my self-awareness to continue to hone myself and grow. Even though the agenda raised for the coaching session is related to problem-solving, strategic planning, or as simple as managing emotions, coaches really play their role by coaching me, not my problem. “Coach the person, not the problem!” as was stated by Marcia Reynolds, Psy,D., MCC, a writer and international coach expert who has shared her expertise with many coaches globally. Well, back to my experience as a coachee, as a result, I was able to grow my self-awareness and then with that awareness, I was able to see problems from different perspectives and find solutions by myself.

Self-awareness is a vital component of personal growth and development. It allows individuals to understand their emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviors, leading to a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement. Individuals can make conscious choices, build meaningful relationships, and enhance their overall well-being by cultivating self-awareness. In this article, we will explore techniques that can help you gain self-awareness and develop a better understanding of your personal strengths and areas for growth.

1. Mindfulness

The first time I heard the word Mindfulness in the context of coaching was when I joined the ICF-based professional coaching certification program at the LOOP Institute of Coaching. Practicing mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It helps you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Take time each day to engage in mindfulness exercises such as meditation or deep breathing. By observing your inner experiences non-judgmentally, you can gain insight into your patterns of thinking, emotional reactions, and behaviors.

2. Reflective Journaling

There was a time when I was being coached by my peer coach, Julie Zhang. She was coaching my “being” to manage my emotional energy deeply, and one way for me to manage it was to write a journal that contained how I reflected on myself. As a result, I found myself calm after writing and able to take control to manage my emotions and every action that follows. Keeping a reflective journal provides an opportunity for self-reflection and self-expression. Set aside regular time to write about your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Explore your successes, challenges, and moments of personal growth. Through writing, you can gain clarity, process your thoughts and feelings, and identify recurring patterns or themes in your life.

3. Feedback and Self-Assessment

Seeking feedback from trusted friends, family members, or mentors can offer valuable insights into your strengths and areas for growth. Ask for specific feedback on your behaviors, communication style, or performance in different areas of your life. Additionally, consider using self-assessment tools or personality assessments to better understand your strengths, preferences, and potential areas for improvement. One of my favorite assessment tools is The Social Style Test to identify our communication styles in social contexts in order to achieve attunement in communication. And it is my favorite session I always deliver on my Winning with Communication training.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Developing emotional intelligence involves recognizing and managing your emotions effectively. Pay attention to your emotional experiences and explore the underlying causes or triggers. Practice self-regulation by finding healthy ways to cope with stress and difficult emotions. By enhancing your emotional intelligence, you can gain better self-awareness and improve your interactions with others.

5. Seek Different Perspectives

Engage in conversations with diverse individuals and actively listen to their perspectives. This can provide insights into your own biases, blind spots, and areas for growth. Be open to feedback and be willing to challenge your own beliefs and assumptions. My other peer coaching experience was with Martina Harazinova, where at that time she invited me to take part in a systemic coaching process by using items around me, and at the end of the process, I realized that I was representing these items with the situations I experienced, and the people involved. And I was able to see from a different perspective with that approach. By seeking different perspectives, you can expand your self-awareness and gain a broader understanding of yourself.

6. Strengths Assessment

Identify and celebrate your personal strengths. Reflect on the activities or tasks that come naturally and bring you joy and fulfillment. Consider using strengths assessments or engaging in activities that allow you to leverage and develop your strengths further. Understanding and utilizing your strengths can boost your self-awareness and help you align your actions with your natural talents.

Developing self-awareness is an ongoing journey that requires intentional effort and practice. By incorporating techniques such as mindfulness, reflective journaling, seeking feedback, developing emotional intelligence, seeking different perspectives, and identifying your strengths, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Self-awareness provides the foundation for personal growth, improved decision-making, and cultivating meaningful relationships. Embrace the process of self-discovery, and you will unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilled life. If you feel you need someone else's help, asking a professional coach is the right step.

CoachingYuk, live better with coaching!

Thank you for the sessions Marcia Reynolds, PsyD MCC, Ranked Top Female Coach Globally Julie Zhang Martina Harazinova , and Loop Institute of Coaching I learn to be a better person and a better coach.

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