Playing To Your Edge – Awareness is the Home of Wholeness
Rachel Gedney
Digital Creator: Women 50+ Lifestyle Brand. Life altering COVID Long-hauler & all that entails.
Some years ago, during my Pleasure Tribe Membership (Online Global Female Group), the concept of Erotic Edges was introduced to us. Pushing boundaries, moving out of our comfort zone, wherever that was for each of us. It entailed dropping into our deepest feminine desires, connecting with self to determine how we felt about each new practice or concept. There was a lot on offer from many teachers!
We all discovered at least one desire we yearned to embody, yet found our boundaries challenged. This meant releasing old belief systems and/or societal/family/religious conditioning to push our Erotic Edges further to feel where those Edges really were.
Thousands of us females from all walks of life, countries, belief systems, upbringing, cultures etc. All unique with our own individual Erotic Edge Blueprint. For some, merely being introduced to something new was enough; for others it meant learning, embodying and practicing it, integrating it into our everyday lives.
Intuition and dropping into our bodies, listening to our own innate wisdom, enabled us to feel into any fear or resistance we had, being fully present with it. Discover where that belief originated then eliminate any negative discourse (shame, guilt, judgement etc that I’ve mentioned many times before). Sometimes it meant going deep … really deep!
Men are no different in understanding their individual Edge and limit, capacity for growth and destiny. It takes a strong, honourable man to admit his fears, resistance and edge of practice. David Deida writes this in his book “The Way of The Superior Man”:
“It is dishonourable for him to lie to himself or others about his real place. He shouldn’t pretend he is more enlightened than he is, nor should he stop short of his actual edge. The more a man is playing his real edge, the more valuable he is as good company for other men, the more he can be trusted to be authentic and fully present. Where a man’s edge is located is less important than whether he is actually living his edge in truth, rather than being lazy or deluded.”
Your edge is where you stop short, or where you compromise your fullest gift, and, instead, cater to your fears. This can be in any life area, but in this case, intimate relationships. Are you a fearful man choosing to lean into his fear, living at his edge, putting his gift out from there? Or are you a fearful man who hangs back in the comfort zone, unwilling to even experience his fear on a day to day level?
The trick is, to “lean just beyond your edge of fear and discomfort to optimise your growth. Constantly. In everything you do”. Otherwise you stagnate in the zone of security and comfort. It takes a strong man to stand up and be willing to do this. To be vulnerable. To be seen.
John Wineland - Speaker, Teacher and Workshop Facilitator - guides men and women in the realms of life purpose, sexual intimacy and embodiment. Michael Burnstien – Real Man Awake - is a Conscious Masculinity Coach for men and women. TJ Bartel - Relationship Expert and Tantric educator. These men, like David Deida, have a common theme running through their own work. I have been fortunate to have had TJ Bartel as one of my main Teachers.
Fear - of taking risks, failure, success, letting go and starting afresh, of lifestyle change, even fear of fear itself all contribute to a man not living at or leaning just beyond his edge. His relationship may be relatively secure/comfortable, but essentially dead. It lacks aliveness, depth, inspirational energy that is the sign of a man living at his edge.
By living at your edge you acknowledge your fears with acceptance; this equates to freedom, the male driving force, especially within a relationship. With the right woman, you will have that freedom, as she will be a consciously awake woman who will hold you accountable, not accepting your BS!
Acknowledging and staying with your fear, virtually constantly, staying at your edge, is where real transformation occurs. Let fear be your friend. Don’t hang back living a lesser life than you’re capable.
Own your fear and lean just beyond it, challenge your limits with an open heart. Stand in the space of unknowingness, raw and awake. You will thank yourself and your woman will love you all the more for it, trusting you implicitly. Lay the foundation for extraordinary relationships.
“Consciousness is beyond time, consciousness is timelessness.” – Osho
Rachel is an International Relationship Mentor and Guide, primarily assisting Males, having worked closely with Females for a number of years to Embody Their Pleasure for themselves and in relationships. Also now assisting couples. If you’d like to know how she can help you, please take advantage of her Complimentary 90 min Discovery Session to determine if working together is right for you and Rachel. Contact her on 07786 912 355 or book a time slot here