Research from the PRO's

#HBR-#HARVARD Business Reveiw | "In a very real sense, the first job of leadership is to identify and overcome the costs of complacency. To persuade colleagues at every level that there are genuine risks for the failure to take risks—that the only thing they have to fear, is the fear of change itself". 

OVERCOMING the FEAR | "During times of economic upheaval fear to take on risk may exist--"In a paper published by the Journal of MarketingPeter Dickson and Joseph Giglierano argue that executives and entrepreneurs face two very different sorts of risks. One is that their organization will make a bold move that fails—a risk they call “sinking the boat.” The other is that their organization will fail to make a bold ove that would have succeeded—a risk they call “missing the boat.”

"Naturally most executives worry more about sinking the boat than missing the boat, which is why so many organizations, even in flush times, are so cautious and conservative. To me, though, the opportunity for executives and entrepreneurs is to recognize the power of rocking the boat—searching for big ideas and small wrinkles, inside and outside the organization, that help you make waves and change course. In an era of economic dislocation and technological disruption, you can’t do great things if you’re content with doing things a little differently than how you’ve done them in the past. The costs of complacency have never been greater".

Playing it too safe-Chicago Business ANNE Sherwin

MAVERICKS | REDISCOVER the Power of People

In a second book titled MAVERICKS | Taylor demonstrates that these very different organizations share a set of principles that allow them to break new ground in traditional fields. They don’t try to be the best at what others already do; they strive to be the only ones who do what they do. They don’t let what they know limit what they can imagine. They don’t just think differently from the competition, they care more as well. They understand that the allies they enlist matter more than the power they exert. By embracing these strategies, Taylor argues, leaders in any field can win big and prosper.

Bill Taylor is the cofounder of Fast Company and the author, most recently, of Simply Brilliant: How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways. Learn more at

Simply Brilliant-#Bill Taylor

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