Playing Loose
Went to see the new 2 hour Nike commercial in the theater, also known as the movie “Air.”
As a sports, basketball, and business fan, it landed in a sweet spot for me from a content perspective. Plus, I had recently read the Phil Knight auto-biography, “Shoe Dog,” so I was steeped in Nike-ology.
Still, the many messages about the keys to success in life resonated.
The one that I appreciated the most was the analysis of Michael Jordan’s?game-winning shot against North Carolina in 1982?when the Matt Damon character talked about how “loose” Jordan played…and how that was the key to his success.
It stuck with me.
I had some subsequent conversations/interviews with people and I kept telling myself?“Be Like Mike”?and to be loose.
It worked.
I’ve noticed this when my kids play basketball as well.
Loose usually means better.
The hard part, I think, is training yourself to play loose.