Playing from the Same Sheet of Music
Orchestras are made up of a large number of musicians accomplished with their chosen instruments.?Through discipline, hard work, and long practice, each has mastered the many-faceted intricacies of their instrument, musical notation, and solo and group performance.?Individually they are musical professionals, yet to be hired by a reputable orchestra they must prove not only their instrumental prowess, but also their skill and temperament to play in a larger group under the direction of the orchestra’s conductor.
A private club is typically an enterprise composed of a half dozen or more business specialties, each requiring managers of proven performance in their individual fields.?Not only must they demonstrate the knowledge, expertise, and disciplines of their vocations – accounting, human resources, sales and marketing, food service, facility maintenance, housekeeping, retail management, recreation, golf management, and agronomics – but they must also work well together as a team of professionals dedicated to a common purpose under the direction of the general manager.
In preparing for the concert season a conductor must lay out his proposed program of concerts, the individual pieces selected for play, and his unique vision of how each piece is to be played – the orchestral composition, the musical arrangement, the style of play, tempo, and selection of solo performers, and other factors – and then rehearse the orchestra to achieve the desired performance.?Despite the accomplishments of individual musicians, the orchestra will never achieve critical acclaim, renown, and success without this unifying effort.
The club general manager has a similar role to play.?Despite the qualifications of each department head, despite the specific knowledge of their chosen professions, without the direction and guidance of the general manager, the multiple businesses will not perform in an integrated, professional, and successful manner.
To achieve this unity of effort the general manager must paint a clear vision of how the organization will perform and interact with members and guests. She must also define and continually reinforce organizational values and culture, while providing clear expectations for each department’s performance.?Without this effort to clarify, unify, and integrate departmental operations, the enterprise operates as separate businesses, each with its own standards and each interacting with members according to the dictates and example of its department head.
General managers must clearly recognize the need for holistic club operations to meet the expectations of discriminating members, who expect best-in-class quality, service, programming, and personal engagement across all club departments and venues.?Then, and only then, will a club achieve the recognition and acclaim of a renowned operation.
Following the example and discipline of orchestra conductors, club general managers must select their program, while diligently training and refining their team’s performance by playing with “the same sheet of music.”
Private Club Performance Management offers a wide range of highly integrated and widely acclaimed Professional Development, Operational, and Training Resources at the PCPM Marketplace Store, all designed to get everyone on the same sheet of performance. See a few of our endorsements below:
“I really do enjoy reading your material and I find your?content?current, relative and very useful. I really like your?web site and what you are doing. I wish you had been around, when I?started out in this business. These young folks don't realize how ‘blessed’ they are to have such material and resources available.”
Don E. Vance, CCM
“I just want to express my sincere thanks for these wonderful ideas you are sharing with us. As a general manager I feel ideas like this make all the difference in our services. Reading this was refreshing and an eye opener to look back and try to become more involved with staff and management.
Magid D. Assaleh, General Manager, Willow Creek Golf &Country Club
“Please also know I am very much impressed with your efforts related to [PCPM] and, for an old guy that’s been doing this pretty successfully for over 30 years, I thank you for all you’re doing for those of us in the industry.”
Paul Skelton, General Manager/Chief Operation Officer, The Country Club at DC Ranch
“I absolutely LOVE your website.?I have used a lot of your tools as resources for our Club.”
Rick Poling, Clubhouse Manager, Miramont Country Club