Playing At Being Average in 2024

Playing At Being Average in 2024

In this week's episode, we're going to dive into the No.1 cause and effect of our thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours and results - our self-concept.

Try as we might and believe intellectually as we may; our intentions, actions, plans, hard work and results can't ever out-perform our self-concept.

Thankfully, we can choose to shift our self-concept in an instant... when we're aware of our true nature.

There’s no such thing as average.

Average is a perspective on a collection of individual data points.

And you’re definitely not average.

Or normal.

You’re totally unique.?

'Unique' - [from Latin - Unus meaning One].

Your DNA provides a clue to this.

You’re also here for a reason.

Purpose is different from this reason.

Purpose is simple - it's the same for everyone.

To Be Happy and Fulfilled.

Because, beneath the contents of our 'experience' which may cloud or mask this, happy and fulfilled is our fundamental nature.

Knowing this truth about ourself is really our only purpose.

[I'll write more on this in future episodes].

The reason you’re here is different from your purpose.

You're here to play.

To play freely to your heart's content.


To play consciously from fulfilment, having remembered who you are.

Having remembered your power as an effortless creator.

Knowing that your self-concept automatically plays out in and as experience.

Knowing that whatever you give your "I AM awareness" to, you get the corresponding experience of.

Because that's how powerful you really are.

You didn’t come here to strive, stress, prove yourself, get by, deny yourself or only just have enough.

You didn't come here to knock your pan in, exhaust yourself or create a business you need a holiday from.

Or to relax for just a few weeks a year until you get to 50 or 60-something and can then have more time and fun.

You didn't come to believe in the concept of normal or average at all.

Or to fall for believing your happiness and fulfilment can ever be lastingly found 'out there' in objects, people or things.

You didn't come here to push living your best life out to some day in the future.

Perhaps when you have more time?

Even from a logical, rational perspective, that would be madness!

Because none of us ever experience the future. (Or the past).

We only ever experience now.

Even when we imagine the past or the future, it's always now.

And, as Quantum physicists now confirm whats been taught for thousands of years, when we get emotionally involved with either our past or our future, we influence our entire lives!

The game is in remembering who we are and how to then use our imagination consciously instead of unconsciously to shape our experience as we'd love it to be.

To know that it's who and what we're conscious of being - and not what we want, do or believe intellectually - that we experience the evidence of in a 'future now' moment.

That it's our 'I AM Awareness' which is being pushed out as our own unique experience.

We didn’t come here to worry about or fear what others might think!

Which isn't about that anyway!

It's about fearing how we might feel about what others might think!

It always comes back to us.

You came here to play and to sing YOUR song.

To sing freely and to live without fear.

To imagine boldly and to be and express you.

You came to express your uniqueness and individuality.

From the heart, unfiltered by the intellect.

From the understanding of your true nature.?

You came to help others enhance their lives in the way that only YOU can.

Not through taking action or doing things out of fear of the consequences of not doing something - because that never works!

It can't - because your awareness is then on what you don't want!

But for the love if it.

Once upon a time each of us knew all of this.

You arrived knowing it.

As young children we all knew it.

Until such time as we bought the belief in something else.

The belief that life works in a certain way.

We bought into something much less fun and much further from the truth.

The belief in separation.

And because we believed it, it became our experience.

Because that is how 'it' works!

Our perceptions, assumptions, beliefs and expectations do become our experience!

Because of the underlying truth...

Our role in the game is to become more and more conscious of this.

More aware.

To realise Consciousness is the one and only reality and that Consciousness, Mind and Experience are not separate.

The truth is that the Universe is our playground.

Uni Verse

One Song?


The truth that the world we each live in turns to reflect and mirror our song!

To reflect our inner stories, beliefs, assumptions and expectations.

About time, money, work, people, business, sales, health, fun. About everything.

Our world is not separate from us.

It's the mirror of our own consciousness.

And even if we’ve fallen for believing it is separate, can we find any evidence of an independent outside world?

Can we find anything outside our own awareness or Consciousness of it?

No is the answer.

As within, so without.

That's the Game.

And the more conscious we become, the more and more fun and loving and harmonious the game is.

We set ourself free to play once again.

That’s how completely NOT average each of us really are.

So, if you want to experience a completely not average 2024.

A year in which you really do smash it out of the park...


Stop using history or the past or what you already know as a guide to your future and what's possible.

Instead, decide from what you'd really love - not from what you think or believe is possible.

Or "realistic."

And then align your inner-self concept and surrender to what you'd love!

Be Courageous. Literally. Surrender to the unknown.

'Courageous' - [Old French - coeur from Latin - cor meaning Heart].

Then notice what and how you’re moved to think, do and experience.

Notice how much more in flow and harmony you are. Notice how effortlessly you create.

This game is a game of Being, allowing and accepting.?

It’s about Love, remembering, forgetting and forgiveness.

The truth is you can have whatever it is you'd love.?

There are no limits other than the ones we put there with our perceptions!

Perceptions stemming from our self-concept... which we are always free to choose.

Our role in the game is to wake up and remember and to then choose, imagine, assume and accept.

If it feels hard, there's only one reason for it. We're lost in the mind perceiving, assuming and believing what isn't true!

?? Work with Rob

Here are some of the ways I help..

Clarity & Decision-Making. - gain crystal clarity on what it is you'd really love and on making decisions in alignment with the fulfilment of this.

Sales & Team Performance - dramatically enhance personal, individual and team performance.

Group Coaching - small group programmes for leaders, CEO's and those who wish to up-level their Awareness and combine the realisation of their vision with time freedom, ease and flow.

Leadership Masterminds - leadership mastermind groups supporting leaders to elevate their awareness and gain the understanding of why ALL leadership is Self-Leadership.

Pre and Post-Exit - full internal heart and mind alignment with the desired outcome in the run up to the sale of your business to guarantee a successful outcome. How to remain calm, relaxed and assured throughout the entire process/ Clarity on and excitement about what next.

Phone: +44 7831 686 977

Email: [email protected]

Andrea Hochgatterer

Beat Stress,Pain & Fatigue Practitioner, Creator & Lead Author of The Stress Maze, Wellbeing Coach & Healing Facilitator via virtual connect.

11 个月

Powerful as always and so true Rob Begg ?? thanks for sharing??

Mahmud Hossain ????

I create high-conversion websites that attract more clients through strategically designed websites | Specializing in Web Design & Wordpress Development

11 个月

The "who" and the "now" make all the difference in turning aspirations into reality.


