Playfulness: The Starting Point for A Creative Environment
Chawki Ghassani
Business Development and HR Specialist | People Development and Market Expansion Lead
No, business is not business anymore.
As we can see, the corporate world is drastically moving toward a more humanistic approach to business. So let's play around with altering words to make this article more genuine, understandable, and, most importantly, simple and fun.
What if we substitute corporate terms with human-centered ones like the following:
Employees by Humans,
Investing in High Performers by Nurturing High Talents
Evaluating Employees for Better Performance by Recognizing Humans' Meaningful Contributions to Success
Replacing terms that we use in our corporate world can cause a significant shift in the culture of any company, paving the way for Playfulness Point 0, where we can say that the environment is full of humans who like to play, have fun, contribute to success, and support one another in a safe environment where they can freely make mistakes. That might signal the beginning of a paradigm shift in a company's thinking, with a huge impact on its management strategy.
In other words, humans in companies have emotions, feelings, and ambitions and love to have fun and play while performing well in their positions and contributing to the survival and prosperity of their groups/companies. Thus, playfulness should be a major value that a serious company should instill in its culture because it simply connects people to their inner children, hearts, minds, and souls.
Can you picture a firm that cherishes its employees, develops its top talent, and acknowledges their significant contributions to its success while experiencing high staff turnover, low employee satisfaction, and demotivation? You simply can't!
Creativity requires playfulness, which is linked to human nature; thus, it is preferable to reach Playfulness Point 0 before breaking the bank on ineffective management strategies that still go with the business's thinking style; it will lead nowhere but to blaming others. Think Originally