Play in tune with the digital times !
Times Square 2019

Play in tune with the digital times !

A new decade is more than a new year ! The Year 2020 marks the beginning of an era that will be seminal in many ways. As we step into the "New Normal" - There is a palpable sense of excitement. The disruptions,departures and the digital age brings seismic shifts to many of the sacred paradigms that brought us here from the industrial age.

Information Age is a Data Economy. The disruptive technologies impacting businesses are causing disruptions in strategy, business models & creating markets that hitherto did not exist. The confluence of Data, Technologies, Platforms & Automation both at scale & pace are unprecedented. These have potential to create extended periods of economic boom lead by productivity enhancements.

In the Blink & you miss times, tipping point moment of truths are seized or squandered by the smartest of the talents even as the most experienced and venerated businesses risk from the dogma of sinking into the swamp of status quo. The demise of the marquee names that dominated the decades of the 90's and 2000's and the upsurge of the FAANG generations are a writing on the wall.

Yet, it is not the technologies those are disrupting the macro economic factors even if we were to grant the undeniable influences of the NetWork effects. The malaise that kill the enterprise is a mindset that is rigid, often slow and adamant to change. More often than not the Board Rooms , Corporate Chieftains, Generals , Mid level & the front line forces fail to wake up and smell the coffee. Their myopic cataract robs them of the visibility to the rapidly evolving narrative conjured by the blend of multi disciplinary data driven dimensions. The constituents of social, mobile, cloud forge and interplay creating portfolios of new business implausibilities. Implausibilities because the status quo seekers miss the big picture.

The Everything As a Service , Every Business as a Computational Model - Be it Computational Finance, Computational Optics, Computational Genomics etc enable the digital czars to pull out from their magician hats new show stopper rabbits leveraging new age talents, new breed of venture capitalists & future focused boards.

Venerated Management, Strategy, Leadership, Growth and Risk management thesis practiced thru the last 2 decades that served us well up until now are still "Once Bitten Twice Shy" kind of aversion that reminds them of the Dot Com Bust.

They are imprisoned by a Quarter to Quarter rigmarole that steals their resolve to be long term value & wealth creators. Their prosaic methods and the outdated ways of valuing businesses at the altar of the bourses bring diminishing returns from the precious capital deployed & robs the plausible high value creations and hence the poor Dividends on Digital Capital.

Blue sky Imagining can lead us to judiciously blend, cultivate and nurture intellectual property, digital capital & a qualified new way of amalgamating risks in the furnace of information kiln. A well directed and engaged talent can steer us into rich avenues of inventive & innovative ways of reimagining the next phase of information revolution.

In a world that is no doubt blazing ahead at lightning speed, all to often the system succumbs to half baked & still born quick fixes. Long term view points that considers the utility & lasting virtues of the select tech from the swarm of disruptive tech is the need of the times. The age old disciplines of the Industrial Age - First Principles Basis, Systems Thinking, Process Discipline, Cause & Effect analysis whipped up with modern product management enterprise can spawn businesses that serve an enlightened consumer & an informed market dynamic.

Merely moving to the cloud, or mindlessly embarking on AI, ML with ill prepared data is an unrefined & uncultured way of uninformed & misled leadership. Data & its governance, Privacy & Security the impacts and influences in integrating and federating such forces - the intended consequences and the unintended are all matters that needs considerations of a deep and discerning mind that is able to predict & imagine - Imagination that learns from the 4 decade industrial era and iterates, extrapolates the learnings into the future with a knowledge that the progress we achieved thru the last century can be compressed into an equivalent influence in terms of the information age with in this decade is the fertile opportunity at hand. As CK Prahalad opined - Next Practices & Not Best Practices that will create Fortune. Fortunes that we can find at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Explore new markets, New products for the New Milieu.

Countries competitive index will be measured on their ability to harness the information wealth. New emerging global economic architecture run by BOTS & Augmented Human & Machine Endeavors churn wealth creation vistas pivoted from the vantage point data & the fount of Thought.

Individual Enterprise, Thought & the Humane spirit will drive the Digital Age forward much like the Maestros of the Yore created timeless Beethoven & Mona Lisa. The Information Monarchs - their rich Legacy - that of Thomas J Watson, Bill Hewlett , David Packard, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates & Larry Ellison has seen the inspired Jeff Bezos, Google Guys & Zukerberg create modern day empires.

Yet, for us to realize the true potential of the era to be will need courageous risk takers and intrepid thinkers like Elon Musk.

Lets pledge to play in tune with the the digital times .Think Big, Think Fast , Think Well - Lets create a lasting legacy for the Gen Z who shall eventually inherit the earth. Let the inheritors be humans well assisted by machines & lets nip the feared Frankensteins in the bud.


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