WE ARE ALL PLAYING ON THE COURT OF LIFE...not a one of us can go wandering through life trying to second guess whose game we will be playing & by what rules we need to abide to. We never really know how equipped we are to win on this stage but we must know that we are here to win. However, there will always be that someone who never plays by the rules....the deceptive ones!
So we must be alert at all times...we may lose a little, gain a little...we have our moments but the rules of life do not change! We may have different skills, possibilities & prospects, however, it is how we use those skills & approach the opportunities with our knowledge & wisdom attuned to the rules. No one can bring us down unless we allow that to happen.
Love to all. Please click on my website to keep me up on the page!
Psychic Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo
Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo Ph 0418 871 135
Personal Consultations, Psychic Readings, Clairvoyance, Medium, Counselling
Sometimes, when we go to win, we may need to let others strike out. And we may get pushed, kicked, & shoved aside for this is all part of the game but if we have the courage & stamina to keep going, keep following the rules, we will have no doubts. In this game of life we do not need to cheat to win......we just need to live & be honest with ourselves.