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NOW IS THE TIME to be with people that ignite your inner child, foster your silliness, and love to see you live your best life! 

Welcome to a glorious final week in August! The week where we constantly hear ice cream trucks, see children riding their bikes, watch families gather for picnics in a park, and relish the last colors in the sky above the ocean as bonfires glow on the beach. 

For some, school is back in session, folks are returning to their offices, and changes continue evolving during out temporary times! Embracing your inner child is the key ingredient to staying awake and authentically living. If you're finding yourself falling into old habits of rushing in the mornings or questioning if you ate lunch, Mr. Rogers is truly speaking to YOU

You have the power to choose how you'll experience the remaining days of summer. You have the power to choose how you'll show up! 

NOW is YOUR time to find the levity, the joy, the laughter. 

Blast music and dance! Grab sidewalk chalk and create a hopscotch grid! Turn on the sprinkler and run wild!  You have ALL the power to choose how you'll walk into September! Close your eyes and recall your happiest moments. What were you doing? Who were you with? Where were you releasing energy and experiencing your best life?   

NOW IS THE TIME to be with people that ignite your inner child. 

NOW IS THE TIME to treat play as seriously as it deserves!


