Plateaus Are Frustrating

Plateaus Are Frustrating

Plateaus Are Frustrating. ??

It happens to the best of us. So I thought I'd put together 3 ways to punch a plateau in the mouth.

Here we go...


1) Go CRAZY with this nearly free source


I had multiple (yes, MULTIPLE) clients bust a plateau and they didn't change their workout. They also didn't change anything with their diet.


Suddenly, they were losing again.


So, what happened?


I had them set a goal of drinking a MINIMUM of 80oz of water EVERY day.


Yep. Water.


Water helps you get lean, have more energy, and feel full longer. (Here's a mini challenge - the next time you're "hungry", try drinking 20oz of water and waiting 10 minutes).


2) It takes a whopping extra 10-15 mins/day, but do this


Tracking your calories (a lot of people like My Fitness Pal) can be an eye-opener.


For instance, you might say, "Chris, I'm eating a lot of salads and protein smoothies, and I'm still not dropping any weight."


Well, if your salad actually has 4-5 tbsp of dressing VS 2 (like the recommended serving size) and you're adding bacon bits, too much avocado, etc. That salad you think is around 300 calories might actually be nearly 800 calories.


That's why tracking is powerful.


The same for smoothies. You might THINK you're adding a tbsp of nut butter, but you're putting in 3. ??


3) Train. Don't just "work out".


If you're using a weight that you can lift for 15 reps, but your program says to do 8 reps, you're not training correctly. It reminds me of those cheesy fitness videos that shows fit people doing bicep curls with cans of soup, claiming you'll get arms like them. ??


Hope this helps. Have a great day!



