Plate type selection of plate heat exchanger
plate heat exchanger

Plate type selection of plate heat exchanger

Plate type or corrugated type of plate heat exchanger should be determined according to the actual needs of heat exchange occasions. For the large flow, the pressure drop is allowed to be small,

The plate type with low resistance should be selected; otherwise, the plate type with high resistance should be selected. According to the fluid pressure and temperature, determine the choice of removable

Unloading type is still brazing type. When determining the board type, it is not advisable to choose a board with a too small board area to avoid too many boards and flow between the boards.

The speed is too small and the heat transfer coefficient is too low. This problem should be paid more attention to for larger heat exchangers. Unified flow of a medium in a plate heat exchanger

A group of parallel flow channels in the moving direction, and the flow channel refers to a medium active channel composed of two adjacent plates in a plate heat exchanger. General

Under the circumstances, several flow channels are connected in parallel or in series to form different combinations of cold and hot medium channels.


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