Plastic Surgery Loyalty Program
This is why and how you want to institute a Plastic Surgery Loyalty Program in your practice today.
Free organic reach continues to be strangled by Google and Facebook.
That forces you to increase your ad budget and compete with others in your area to attract new cosmetic patients.
So, let’s say you get 100 leads. Most likely….
That is how it is in today’s saturated marketplace.?
So, what do you do?
You turn your happy, cash-paying patients into your sales ambassadors and 10X their value to you so you DON’T have to pour crazy money into advertising that gives you mediocre results at best.?
Because the stats clearly show that retention is faster, cheaper and easier than new patient attraction. For example:
Conversion Rates for Cosmetic Patients
The conversion rate for existing patients is 60-70%, while a new patient is only 5-20%.
This makes sense since cosmetic rejuvenation is an emotional decision based on trust.?
Surgery is a big deal for consumers, so they need to feel comfortable with their service provider.?
So, if the patient already knows, likes and trusts you, they are far more likely to say YES than a stranger internet prospective patient who doesn’t know you.
It costs 7X more to acquire a new patient than to retain an existing one.
When externally advertising to attract new cosmetic patients, it averages between $1,000-$1500 to acquire a new cosmetic patient.
Once you acquire that patient, all you have to do is give them a good patient experience and result, so they are encouraged to return for more. That doesn’t cost you an extra dime in advertising.
You have already attracted the patient. Just hang onto them.
Increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25-95%
When you retain cosmetic patients and turn them into loyal fans, they grow your practice for you.?
You now focus on creating a great patient experience, so they return more often, spend more at each visit and increase their lifetime value.
These loyal patients also refer more of their friends….for free!
That allows you to decrease or eliminate your external advertising budget.
Build strong relationships with existing patients and Referrals will follow.
It changes everything when you have a “patients for life” mindset. When you see your patients as friends and family and treat them with respect, they grow your practice for you.
As Maya Angelo says,?
“They won’t remember what you told them.
They won’t remember what you showed them
But they will remember how you made them feel.”
Please make your patients feel important, wanted and appreciated.
These happy patients will be your patients for decades and return for more as the aging process continues.?
They will refer their family members and friends who will then refer their family members and friends and so on and so on.
The secret is to have a system that automatically nurtures your current patients so they return, refer, review, show off their results, and share you on social media so their friends get to know you.?
Institute a Plastic Surgery Loyalty Program
The way to combat commoditization, competition and aggressive marketing is to think smarter and more strategically than your competitors who only focus on short term gains.?
Instead, you work with the assets you already have first and then build out from there.?
Most practices have this backwards. They focus on new leads ONLY, rather than on their current assets.?
But here’s the truth in today’s saturated marketplace:
?“Retention is the New Patient Attraction Strategy”
Contrary to popular belief, the growth strategy funnel that actually builds a solid cosmetic practice for the long run goes like this:
In other words, get your house in order before you invite new people over. Train your staff on customer service so your patients have a great experience on the phone and during their visit.
That’s where your leverage is.?
Meaning, you’ll bring in more revenues without spending more when you leverage the assets you already have.
Increase Your Patient’s Value with a Loyalty Club
One happy patient can create so much value for your bottom line. For example:
Value of a Cosmetic Patient Review
82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. They trust reviews almost as much as they trust recommendations from friends and family.?
That means, to have a fighting chance in today’s digital world, your practice needs to be consistently getting new reviews, especially google reviews since they rule the world for the foreseeable future.
Value of a Referral
Referrals from your happy patients are free and credible. You know a referred patient is much more likely to convert to paid procedures during their consultation because you’ve come so highly referred by someone they trust.?
So, what’s that referral worth to you?? Let’s use realistic averages to figure it out:
Average surgical procedures ? ? = ? $6,000
Average injectable treatment ? = ? $500
Average laser procedure? = ? $1,000
But that’s not the full story. A patient who has one procedure or treatment with you, with likely stay for more and refer their friends so their value should look more like this:
Injectable procedures 3x/year = $500 x 3 = $1500
Surgical procedure = $6,000
Refer 1 friend for surgery = $6,000
Refer 1 friend for injectables = $500
Total Value of that Referral ? =? $14,000 per year
Not sure about that? Try this exercise….Pull a report called “revenues by referral source”.?
I guarantee a whole bunch of your patients have been referred to you by other patients or they are current patients coming back for more.?
Usually, it’s about ? and the other ? came cold from the Internet (and they like your reviews).
Value of Plastic Surgery Before/After Photos
Next to reviews, patient before/after photos are the next vital social proof you can offer prospective patients considering cosmetic rejuvenation.?
A picture really is worth a thousand words. They motivate prospective patients to take action.?
They instill confidence and inspire patients to think about what’s possible. Too many practices have not yet made before/after photos a priority.?
You need a system that focuses on it to grow your photo gallery, which is a major patient attraction tool you have full control over.
Value of Returning Patient
Once you attract a patient to you, you never have to spend another dime to attract them again.?
They already know you and visit you willingly.?
These returning patients make you “top of mind” so whenever they’re talking to friends, it’s likely your name comes up.
Talk about free advertising!
And, these returning patients will buy more as the aging process continues. Again, without you spending a fortune on external advertising.
So, how do you make all of this happen on autopilot?
Introducing the KiSS Loyalty Club
It’s the first-ever easiest “Done-for-You” Patient Loyalty, Attraction and retention System… on Autopilot since the marketing is done for you.
It puts “golden handcuffs” on your patients, so they stay loyal to you, return more often, refer their friends, give you great?reviews, allow you use of their before/after photos, have surgery with you and share you on social media.??
And, unlike industry vendor loyalty programs that allow patients to go to any practice to redeem points,? The KiSS Loyalty Club can only be used in YOUR practice, so it’s got built-in exclusivity.
It’s super simple to use….Patients get a KISS for each dollar they spend with you so they collect KISSes for free cosmetic services.
And, they can shortcut it to get extra KiSSes when they write a review, refer a friend, approve the use of their before/after photos, shoot a video testimonial, share you on social media or complete surgery which is optional.?
That’s it. The simplest and easiest Plastic Surgery Loyalty Program in the industry today.
Co-Founder at Leads Genius & Owner at Video Call Agent
5 天前Thank you for this, I really enjoyed the article. I agree 100%... customer service should be the main focus for everything else to work effectively. When I was researching before I started Video Call Agent, I discovered many interesting statistics including a report that 50% of clients are willing to pay more for good customer service! When patients feel genuinely cared for, it makes a huge difference in loyalty and retention. The new tech I offer allows leads to connect live and on-demand via video chat with any staff member, which obviously builds rapport. It’s cut-throat out there, and with the rise of AI, it’s essential to pivot and adapt to technology while still prioritizing traditional values like good old-fashioned face-to-face customer service.