Plastic Finance I Blockchain Startup in Plastic Waste Management
Plastic finance A good project, which has a good team and great ideas that will help our world in the future. Plastic Finance project is one of the best projects. I like everything about them. Everything about them is amazing in one word. A team of professionals achieves their goals and increases their potential. the whole team is very hardworking, so it really comes to a positive results.
I recommend this project for investment It is interesting to observe the development. This project has the ability to succeed, with a reasonable idea and an effective team, having a detailed action roadmap. Everyone should consider, to see the impressive development. Transparency and predictability. Users can easily understand their project. Also, it’s a great way to offer customers so I would ask everyone to take part in this beautiful promotion. Come and grab the token.
Plastic finance Project Background:
According to the United Nations, we dump more than 2 billion tonnes of waste every year. Global waste could grow to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050, more than double population growth over the same period. Waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilograms but ranges widely, from 0.11 to 4.54 kilograms. By 2050, these numbers may increase by 40% in low- and middle-income countries and 19% in high-income countries. The fastest-growing regions are Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East, and North Africa.
About 12%, or 242 million tonnes, of total waste every year are plastics. About 91% of plastic waste is not recycled, and roughly 79% is accumulating in landfills or is in the environment as litter. Research shows that about 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in oceans each year. There are several gigantic plastic soups in the oceans. The largest one is in the Pacific of the size of 1.6 million square kilometers, or three times the size of France. If the waste growth trends continue, there will be more plastic waste than fish in the oceans.
Plastic Finance Project Mission:
1. We advance the round economy by improving the reusing system: Plastic Finance revolves around plastic reusing by extending the effectiveness of waste pickers. We are not disturbing the value chain of waste; taking everything into account, we improve the value chain to benefit all social affairs. Moreover, we support the tree replanting undertaking to decarbonize CO2 pollution, further setting up our commitment to the round economy.
2. We empower waste communities so that they have a higher social standing in society: Plastic Finance means to engage the waste organizations. We revolve around the activities that will assemble their self - respect, which improves their effectiveness and well - being.
3. We democratize access to ESG investing: Our effort to enrich the recycling system and empower waste communities can be sustained and widened with the help of investment communities. With DApps and DeFi, we democratize access for everyone to take part in a global mission to recycle and empower.
We are happy to proclaim our private representative arrangement, beginning right now. Monetary patrons will be picked on an authenticity based technique, focusing in on the fundamental worth they bring to Plastic Finance, and even more altogether can resharpen Plastic Finance's Vision. We will benchmark monetary sponsor reliant upon; Crypto portfolio experiences, basic reasoning stewardships, gets to crypto exchangers, and stage onboarding. Moreover we have successfully appropriated 11,800+ wallets to our airdrop program recorded in the airdrop statement. You can check the trade nuances here :
The central objective of our private emblematic arrangement is to combine key accomplices and neighborhood from the DeFi and Circular Economy climate that can help develop the Plastic Finance network in a critical way by outlining an example for a sound representative economy.
Plastic Finance Vision:
Using blockchain and DApps, Plastic Finance can streamline recycling business flow and empower the scavengers so they get better treatments for their hard work. Plastic Finance will create an app that scavengers can use to sell their waste to MRF, exchange it with cash or store it as an asset in the form of grind’s stable coin which can be collateralized in our DeFi platform.
There are two issues that we want to address. The first is about an inefficient recycling system that hinders a society from living in a circular economy. The second is about the essential yet impoverished waste communities.
An inefficient recycling system hinders a circular economy:
- Waste recycling is a form of wealth creation. It can spur grassroots investment by poor people, create jobs, reduce poverty, save municipalities money, improve industrial competitiveness, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment.
- However, looking at how 91% of plastic waste was left un-recycled, our society still perceives recycling activities as negligible. This behavior is the legacy of the 'take-make-waste' framework of economic development. In the plastic context, promoting a circular economy can be done by optimizing recycling activities. Due to its chemical structure, one can only recycle most plastic about three times, where each recycling process leads to a lower quality of plastic.
- After all the recycling processes, plastic is doomed to litter our environment eternally. Because of these characteristics, increasing recycling capabilities is of the utmost importance.
Important yet impoverished waste communities:
- Waste communities living in the dumpsites are suffering. Dumpsites, especially in developing countries, become an irony. Because of the improper municipal recycling system, dumpsites rely on informal labor as waste pickers, waste sorter, transporter, and all roles in the recycling process. Thus, dumpsites become a source of living for millions of people.
- However, situations in dumpsites are horrible. Working conditions are dangerous due to sharp and toxic waste and landslides. Living conditions are terrible because of stench, pests, and polluted groundwater. Socially, waste communities are shunned by others due to their inferiority. As informal workers, they are largely denied access to health insurance and pension. Waste communities are also denied access to the banking system, even though they need it. Most waste pickers and sorters are informal laborers that earned marginal monetary rewards.
- Denying access to the banking system makes them unable to procure better equipment that can increase their productivity. Moreover, they become vulnerable to loan sharks since they are generally financially illiterate. This creates a downward spiral for their well-being.
Blockchain technology and stable coins can play significant roles in streamlining the funding of the plastics recycling industry, empowering the waste communities, and acting as an ESG investment model. We propose a three-pillar of solution:
- Encourage waste price transparency via tokenization
- Economic and social empowerment for the waste community via DeFi
- Ensuring the sustainability of this movement via security token and committing this project as an ESG investment model
Using smart contracts, we tokenize each type of plastic waste and create an internal exchanger, so everyone in the waste supply chain can have easy access to monetize the plastic waste. Blockchain technology gives more transparency to the pricing formation and can be utilized as a tracker for better waste management. Further, we create a DeFi DApss so the waste can be collateralized as an asset. The DeFi will enable waste pickers and communities to gain funding access to improve their productivity. Finally, a governance token that also acts as a dividend token will ensure the sustainability of this circular economic model. By committing this model as an ESG investment, we can increase its potential for broader adoption worldwide.
PLAS Token & Profit-sharing to PLAS token holders :
- PLAS is the native token of the Plastic Finance ecosystem. PLAS is created to fund the Recycling projects and serves as a governance and ownership token to get protege dividends or profit-sharing from recycling and DeFi transactions, Internal Exchange spreads.
- Plastic Finance will collect 5% fee from plastic regrinds internal exchanger spread price, and 0.175% fee from saving withdrawal or loan payment transaction in the DeFi platform. All of these fees will be pooled in a wallet and using a smart contract, can be distributed regularly.
- Plastic Finance collects 60% of net profit yearly from the cooperative recycling business. In turn, Plastic Finance will distribute the fees and the profit-sharing as dividends to PLAS holders.
- Plastic Finance shares 10% of our dividend profit to greenify project per ton per day regrind recycle can be channeled for seed plant purchase 500-1280 teak trees, which amount to 10Kg of CO2 absorption per year per tree.
Plastic finance through its MRF takes the circular economy flow one step further by dedicating a fixed amount of tree planting (working with certified planters organization such as SINERGI FOUNDATION) program for each amount of plastic recycled so that the token holder will simultaneously address 3 problems at the same time namely plastic waste recycle, scavenger community & financial inclusivity and carbon-absorbing through tree planting. One tree can contribute to Co2 absorption of 10Kg per year, so the initiatives will contribute to the potential Decarbonization of 21.000-40.000 tons CO2 over 3 years of operation.
- Ticker : PLAS
- Token type : BEP-20 MainNet
- Token Address : 0xCe34caAEe0b691F8e4098DC31CC8818A1dCcF06A
- Token Sale Address : 0x1800C25a3Ed60B41766B8EE94f40CE05A84407aB
- Total Token Supply : 23,900,000 PLAS
Token Sale:
- TOTAL SUPPLY: 23.900.000 PLAS
- EARLY CONTRIBUTORS: 7.300.000 PLAS locked up to 27 months
- ACCREDITED INVESTOR SALES : 2.000.000 PLAS @ USD 0,375 minimum USD20.000
- Pre-Sales: 2.000.000 PLAS@ USD 0,6
- AIRDROP or Community Grant : 1000.000 PLAS
- Hardcap Pre Sales + Accredited Sales = $1.950.000
- Hardcap Public Sales Total = $ 2.000.000,- (can be planned into IFO if pre sales and private sales succeed)
- Total Hardcap : $ 3.950.000
- PLAS price calculation is pegged to USD value
Project Roadmap:
Q3 2020 – Q1 2021
- Idea creation.
- Team formation.
Q2 2021
- Token airdrop
- A legal entity, limited liabilities in Indonesia
- Incorporation in Seychelles
- Cooperative formation in Indonesia
- Advisor boarding
- DeFi coding and smart contract audit
- Early contributor funding
- Private sales
- Buying 300kg/hour regrind machine for Karawang MRF as a pilot project
Q3 2021
- Pre-sales
- DeFi started
- Going to exchanger
Q4 2021
- Grinds internal exchanger operational; pair BIDR with indexes
- Adding 3 tons/hour capacity
- 10,800 teak trees replanted = CO2 108,000 kg absorption (half-year effective MRF operation)
Q1 2022
- MRF capacity 3.5 tons/hour
Q2 2022
- MRF capacity 10 tons/hour
- 432,000 trees replanted = 4.3 tons CO2 absorption
Q3 2023
- MRF capacity 30 tons/hour
Q4 2023
- MRF capacity 40 tons/hour
- 1,728,000 trees replanted = 1.7 tons CO2 absorption
Q1 2024
- MRF capacity 50 tons/hour
- 2,160,000 trees replanted = 21 tons CO2 absorption
Finaly, The biggest thing about everything in Plastic finance project is that the way they are working on this project is transformed into a project in a very short time. Everyone can work and invest in this project. This coin price and its future price is much better, so everyone support Plastic finance project. because this project team,road-map,marketing strongly etc. is very strong.
Useful links to the project:
??Official Twiter: @Plastic_Finance
??Official Telegram:
?? Audit Result:
Proof Of Author:
??Bitcointalk Username: akash247
??Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2863660
??Telegram: @cryptobangla247
??Wallet: 0x8C7Cd2470D2e82F22a5227464844c392903c1865