PlantUML - Text to Diagram
Luis Fernando Chaim
Staff Software Engineer | Focused in Technological Innovations | Java Specialist
Recentemente, descobri essa ferramenta versátil para criar diagramas a partir de textos estruturados.
Vejo como grande vantagem que é possível armazenar os diagramas em repositórios, acompanhando histórico de altera??es de maneira eficiente e clara, além de ocupar menos espa?o de armazenamento.
Site PlantUML
Diagrama exemplo (arquivo .puml): Github
' uncomment the following line and comment the first to use locally
' !include C4_Component.puml
title Component diagram for Internet Banking System - API Application
Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "javascript and angular", "Provides all the internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser.")
Container(ma, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset ot the internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile mobile device.")
ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
System_Ext(mbs, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
Container_Boundary(api, "API Application") {
Component(sign, "Sign In Controller", "MVC Rest Controller", "Allows users to sign in to the internet banking system")
Component(accounts, "Accounts Summary Controller", "MVC Rest Controller", "Provides customers with a summary of their bank accounts")
Component(security, "Security Component", "Spring Bean", "Provides functionality related to singing in, changing passwords, etc.")
Component(mbsfacade, "Mainframe Banking System Facade", "Spring Bean", "A facade onto the mainframe banking system.")
Rel(sign, security, "Uses")
Rel(accounts, mbsfacade, "Uses")
Rel(security, db, "Read & write to", "JDBC")
Rel(mbsfacade, mbs, "Uses", "XML/HTTPS")
Rel(spa, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(spa, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(ma, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(ma, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
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