Plants, Sunlight & Your Bank Account
There’s a life-changing lesson in how plants utilize sunlight…
And it relates to any goals you have (especially with money).
Imagine a plant with green leaves.
The leaves absorb sunlight, which the plant then converts to usable energy via photosynthesis.
Simple, right?
But there’s BIG wisdom in how plants approach this.
Leaves & Sunlight
The leaves don’t try to grip sunlight.
The leaves don’t hoard sunlight either.
They open up to receive sunlight.
And the energy gets circulated to the rest of the plant.
Because of this, the plant grows, and the leaves grow, which allows the plant to receive even more sunlight.
You see the virtuous feedback loop here?
Open → receive → circulate → grow → open more → receive more, etc.
If the leaves were to “cling” to sunlight, they’d close and block themselves from receiving light and growing.
But this is what so many humans do with their goals.
How This Relates to Your Goals
In the quest to make more money, people cling to money (either money itself or the idea of money).
And what does clinging do? It closes you off from receiving. And when you close your ability to receive, you’re unable to grow.
So here’s the “money rule” that’s obvious when you look at plants and sunlight:
The goal isn’t to hold money, but to expand your capacity to receive money.
(read that last sentence again)
What does this mean?
And what are things that catalyze your growth? Well, that’s ultimately up to you. It might be transformational experiences, things that help you build skills, education, investments, healthy food, self-care, etc. All of those things expand your capacity to receive even more money.
Now notice how this applies to anything.
Want a healthy relationship? Continuously open yourself to give and receive more love.
Want spiritual growth? Find ways to open yourself to greater and greater awareness.
Want to get fit? It’s all about building your capacity for fitness a little more with each workout.
3 Key Takeaways From This
We can learn so much from simply reflecting on how plants utilize sunlight.
Here are three takeaways for you to integrate and apply to any goals you have:
Now I’ll leave you with this.
How can you apply this plant/sunlight principle to improve your life?
With gratitude,
Stephen Parato
My Books & Journals
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