CUPRIMA plants 2024 trees in Tanzania, initiating and facilitating reforestation, nature conservation and agroforestry in the sub-basin of the Weruweru River in the Kilimanjaro region. This regenerative agroforestry initiative is part of the ‘Kilimanjaro Forest & Water for All project’.


African Plantations Kilimanjaro -our local partner in Tanzania- is a coffee company committed to sustainable agriculture and community development. APK works with six coffee cooperatives to produce some of the country’s best coffees under agroforestry schemes.

The farms are located on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and depend on the water and ecosystems of the Weruweru River sub-basin, in the Pangani Basin in Northern Tanzania. However, the sub-basin is under serious threat due to rapid population growth and land use intensification and land cover changes, combined with harmful agricultural practices. These menaces affect the ecological, social and economic stability in the area, significantly increasing the region’s vulnerability to climate change in the short and longer term. The protection of riverine forests is seen by local communities as one of the most important strategies to maintain water quality and availability today and in the future.

“Given the fantastic quality coffees, our great and sustainable partnership, and our original and long-standing commitment to planet, people and profit, it quickly became clear that CUPRIMA wanted to offer its local partner APK and communities a helping hand. CUPRIMA is therefore participating in the ‘Kilimanjaro Forest & Water for All’ project, in which we will plant 2024 trees with impact along the riverine forests in the Kilimanjaro coffee region. This reforestation initiative isn’t just about today; it’s a pledge to the future.” Katrien Delaet - Expert Sustainability, CUPRIMA

The Kilimanjaro Forest & Water for All project aims to promote long-term ecosystem resilience and welfare by safeguarding the Weruweru River sub-catchment through the cultivation and preservation of native trees contributing to secure water access, capture and reduce CO2?emissions and protect soil and biodiversity in the area, and so, securing employment, livelihoods and impact business around the production of unique coffee, today and in the future.

Linked to its farmland, APK has stablished a 5-year action plan to provide forest conservation areas along the Weruweru River sub-catchment, as well as space and the setup of native tree nurseries, organizes the community and coordinates the tree planting and forest conservation activities in the selected areas. In addition, it is developing a model of Eco-Agents to provide training and incentives for community crew leaders to oversee tree cultivation and protection. They will be remunerated based on an incremental growth rate, ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of the initiative.


With the Ambassador Program, CUPRIMA contributes to the Kilimanjaro Forest & Water for All project, a long-term watershed recovery strategy involving the growth of native trees along riverine forests in the Kilimanjaro coffee area that are threatened by overuse, contamination, and the effects of climate change. This reforestation, conservation and Agri-forestry initiative safeguards essential water bodies at the Weruweru River sub-catchment in the Kilimanjaro Region, enhancing ecosystem resilience, capturing CO2, and securing the livelihoods of farmers in Tanzania.

Following?our?tree planting campaign in Lasne, Belgium earlier this year, CUPRIMA has decided to go one step further.?

In 2024 we will?reforest 2.25 hectares?in the Weruweru River sub-catchment in Tanzania. Planting native trees in this catchment will help regenerate and reconnect the forest, further improving biodiversity.

A total of 2024 Native Tree species (African Cordia (Mringaringa), Ficus or Fig tree (Mkuyu) and Newtonia Buchananii (Mkufi), among others)?will be planted.?These trees will?continuously absorb CO2?from the atmosphere, and contributing to a greener planet, better water balance and increasing habitat for fauna and flora to thrive.

CUPRIMA will plant?a total of?2024 trees in 2024, and donate these trees to our team?& clients. CUPRIMA will invest a percentage of their operating profit in this project 2024 trees. Every customer who works with CUPRIMA therefore invests indirectly in local and global nature projects with impact. This results in a nice win-win. With this regenerative agroforestry initiative -an additional positive chapter in the Tanzanian positive impact story- CUPRIMA is off to a good start of the new year.

?? Purpose Restore ecological balance, preserve agricultural ecosystems, and enhance livelihoods for local communities by implementing sustainable land management practices and protecting vital water bodies in the Kilimanjaro ecosystem.

?? Beneficiaries Over 3,950 cooperative members and close to 30,000 upstream water users.

?? Key Stakeholders EFICO Ambassador Program, Kijani Pamoja (Kilimanjaro Project), SUWAMA Initiative.

?? Location Reserved Forest Area 14 Ha. of riverine area along the Weruweru river sub-catchment and natural reserve in Lambo in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, associated to the coffee farms of African Plantations Kilimanjaro.

GPS Coordinates Longitude: E037.15.702 / Latitude: S03.18.498

Plot outline red line: area of restoration and protection

?? Tree Varieties for Planting submontane native trees such as riverine trees are best suited, due where the farm is located so close to the Weru Weru river such as Croton–Calodendrum.

?? Types of vegetation of the Area African Cordia (Mringaringa), Ficus or Fig tree (Mkuyu) and Newtonia Buchananii (Mkufi), among others.

?? Average tree density per hectare Around 900 trees per hectare.

?? Carbon storage figure of this vegetation type? An average tree in the tropics sequesters between 700kg and 1 ton in its lifetime.

?? This regenerative Agroforestation project contributes to following Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG#13 Climate Action: Protecting and enhancing CO2 emission sinks and preventing emissions from forest degradation.

  • SDG#15 Life on Land: Restoration and preservation of forest and biodiversity in vital water ecosystem.

  • SDG#17 Partnerships for the Goals: Activation of multistakeholder partnerships for reforestation and watershed protection.APK has demonstrated prior expertise through collaborative efforts with other NGOs, successfully establishing native tree nurseries. In its current partnership with SUWAMA, APK is dedicated to the restoration and protection of riparian areas along the Weruweru River, potentially nurturing approximately 14 hectares of riverine forests. This effort focuses on the cultivation and conservation of native trees, fostering positive impacts on ecosystem resilience and CO2 sequestration.SUWAMA Partnership: Acting as the Weruweru river users association, it partners with APK to facilitate restoration and protection of riparian areas through community participation and Local Water Stewardship initiatives for sub-catchment protection, water governance and promotion of sustainable in water management practices.Local Communities & Eco-Agents: Actively participating in tree planting, forest conservation, and water management activities. Providing valuable insights, labor, and community-driven support for sustainable environmental practices.CUPRIMA contributes by raising awareness among stakeholders in the coffee supply chain, linking coffee sells to the reforestation goals.


CUPRIMA | Kilimanjaro Coffee – Kilimanjaro Tumaini FW Rainforest Alliance

EFICO FOUNDATION 20 Y |?Flagship Project –?Kilimanjaro Water & Food For All

APk |?African Plantation Kilimanjaro ltd


