Planting Seeds of Hope – Dr Naomi Graham
Growing Hope
A charity providing free therapy for children & young people with additional needs in partnership with local UK churches
Week after week as an occupational therapist I see children and their families who have often lost hope. Whether it’s long waiting lists, challenges at school or difficulties with sleep each family I see has their own story.
I set up Growing Hope in order that we can bring hope to children through free therapy services. As an occupational therapist I look at everything children do everyday – washing, dressing, eating, playing, writing and I see what they find difficult and how I can help make it easier. Yesterday, I saw a child, Ahmed* who has recently received an autism diagnosis and is finding it hard to focus on activities and to follow adult instructions. In his assessment Ahmed found it difficult to join in with anything that I asked him to do. I showed his Dad how to support him with learning to get dressed by himself and gave him some ideas to try at home. Ahmed came back for his first session yesterday, his Dad said he’d been able to get dressed at home and he was able to sit at the table and join in with a playdough game for two minutes. It’s such a joy to see seeds of hope planted for families like Ahmed and his Dad.
We also grow hope for families where hope has been lost due to isolation or rejection. So often I see parents who haven’t been able to talk to anyone about their child’s additional needs for fear of someone judging them or their child. Our When Dreams Change course supports parents and carers whose hopes and dreams have changed because of their needs. Last year, two single Mum’s met on a When Dreams Change course and have since been able to support each other and go on holiday together. Our Siblings Group enables brothers and sisters to connect with each other and use puppets to process some of their feelings – I’ll never forget the moment a shy little girl felt safe enough to share her embarrassment in week five of the group.
We share hope in Jesus because we believe he brings hope even in the most difficult situations. We offer to pray for families and support them to come along to church if they’d like to. I often see the transforming hope that we carry make a difference in individuals’ lives.
Our vision as a national charity is to set up twenty clinics across the UK in partnership with local churches. We have recently set up Growing Hope Gateshead and we’re looking for a new Clinic Manager (find out more at who will set up and run the free therapy service with Alive Church.
Each year we support over 500 children, young people and parents and give them the opportunity to experience hope in a way they may not otherwise be able to. I’m excited to see all that continues to grow through our story.
Dr Naomi Graham is a children’s occupational therapist and the Founder & CEO of Growing Hope (