Plant a Forest with Forestry England

Plant a Forest with Forestry England

After a summer which has seen wildfires raging, communities flooded and human life catastrophically affected in so many parts of the world, the issues being explored at COP26 and the decisions being made have never been more important.

At this critical point, businesses can be ambitious and lead the way in facilitating the seismic behaviour change we need to see. We’re calling for you to be part of the solution and work with us at Forestry England to amplify the work we’re already doing in capturing carbon and planting trees.

As one of our best natural defences against climate change, trees are one of the four key pillars in the Government’s strategy. Trees capture more carbon than any man-made solution. Trees reduce flooding and cool the air. Trees provide homes for wildlife and spaces for people to enjoy.

We need to plant more.

Forestry England cares for more land and trees than any other organisation in the country. We already grow 7 million new trees each year and, with your support, we can plant more.

We can bring your environmental values to life for your customers and stakeholders, keep your staff motivated and focused, and align your brand with the important work we do.

Drop us a line to find out how: [email protected]

The future is here. What will you do about it?


