Plant Conversion from Coal to Natural Gas
Waco, Inc.
Virginia's leading Specialty Contractor for Industrial Mechanical Services, Asbestos Abatement, Insulation Services
Conversion from Coal to Natural Gas at Cogeneration Facility
Conversions of older coal fired boilers to natural gas have been ongoing for over a decade. Changes in the price of natural gas have made that fuel economically attractive, and it has the added benefit of reduced air emissions.
It makes more sense to convert an existing facility instead of building a new one since converting the existing boilers are 15-30% of the cost of installing new natural gas boilers.
Reasons for converting an old facility rather than building a new facility include:
Waco recently completed a project with SourceOne (a Veolia Energy Company), to convert a cogeneration facility from coal to natural gas at the Veolia Spruance Plant. The plant provides steam to the Dupont Spruance Fibers facility in Richmond, Virginia. Rather than spending millions to dismantle and remove all the equipment that supported the use of coal, the conveyors, bag-houses and lime silos remained in place and are now inoperative. Waco worked with SourceOne engineers to develop ways to work around these structures and install the new gas piping, steam piping, burners, economizers, fans, pumps, ducts and breeching. Much of the existing structural steel was utilized, with some minor modifications for additional support for the new economizers and associated ductwork.
The power plant had to continue to consistently supply steam to the manufacturing facility nearby. While half of the facility was being converted, the remaining aging power plant had to continuously supply steam to the nearby manufacturing facility with minimal shutdowns for 18 months. This required additional coordination and expertise to maintain the production of steam needed by the customer for their plant operations.
The conversion has allowed these original boilers to increase their steam capacity at a higher rate than originally engineered. The power plant now produces steam more reliably to the manufacturing facility, and also sells the excess electricity to the local power grid.
The overall scope consisted of two major projects – Boiler Conversion, and Balance of Plant (with additional energy efficiency projects.)
The conversion removal or retirement of the following equipment:
The conversion installed the following new equipment:
Waco provided the following in-house contracting services for the project:
Waco continues to be a major player in the repair, renovation and rehabilitation of power facilities in the Mid-Atlantic region. Waco has the in-house capabilities for performing the many skilled trades required to complete these conversions. When you need a contractor you can depend on for major projects, call Waco.