PLANT-BASED NUTRITION is Essential in Health for 2020
W Samantha Newman
Marketer - Coach - Social Media - Graphic Design - Networker - Illustrator - Business Broker - Connector
The coronavirus pandemic has touched almost every aspect of our lives, including our eating habits. The good news is, not all those changes are bad. According to an article in The Huffington Post, there have been several positive changes, such as an increase in family meals and home baking, and more people are buying locally grown or produced food. One of the changes most likely to improve our health is increased interest in plant-based nutrition.[1]
Some people may have started exploring plant-based foods during the meat shortages in the early days of the pandemic. But even if the refrigerated cases in most supermarkets are full again, that’s no reason to give up on all those lentils and dried beans you bought during the spring lockdowns. Whole-food, plant-based diets are good for you and good for the planet. (Livestock is estimated to contribute to 18 percent of greenhouse gasses.[2])
In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into plant-based foods and plant-based nutrition, give you some ideas for healthy dinner recipes, and even share some inspiration for healthy baking. Learn more about what a plant-based diet or what it means to be vegan in this article from Sarah Lovelady on my site. Plant Power: How to Get More Plant-Based Nutrition Into Your Diet