Plans, Hopes and Dreams
Charles Rozell
Operations Manager at Livin the Dream = semi retired but I will come out of retirement for a new challenge.
I wrote this 6 years ago in 2013, wow, it seems like only yesterday when I wrote this and 6 years have passed!
I can remember the 70’s quite well. I wish I could say I remember them like they were yesterday instead of the almost 40 years that have passed for me since 1973 which happen to be the year I first married. My wife (at the time) and I had many plans, hopes and dreams. I can remember that we planned to bike across Canada. We even bought the latest and most modern 10 speed bikes built at the time. We spent either $150.00 or $300.00 on each bike, I can’t remember right now which it was but at the time they were very expensive. We had hopes of biking across Canada and we used to daydream about how far we would go in a day and all the places we would see.
A few years after the bikes had been sold or given away we had the dream of one day owning a motor home. We had a saving account set up with a picture of a motor home in it so when we opened the book we would see the picture. I am trying to remember when we stopped dreaming of one day buying a motor home but I can’t. I do know that whatever money we had in the account was taken out and the account closed. Another dream piled on the scrap heap of life.
Again time passes as it always does and our marriage is in trouble. It is not the first time we had problems but I believe now at this very moment, we both knew this was a very serious situation that could spell the end of our marriage. We talked and the plan was to have a baby in the hope that it would bring the 2 of us closer together. I honestly believe that for a time, albeit a very short time, the hope of us being closer was real but in the end the dream of raising a daughter together never materialized and we split up forever when our daughter was about 6 months old.
We all have Plans, Hopes & Dreams during our journey of life. My hope and dream is to one day know my daughter before my journey of life comes to an end.