Planning Your Next Steps
Michael B.
I specialize in helping individuals, organizations & communities deepen their ability to deal with rapid change and upsets.
When life brings us to a tipping point it is wise to stop: Other wise if we react we risk making an error or errors that could have a life long impact on us.
However if we take the time to reflect and then respond we can stay calmer and more grounded to make wiser and more beneficial decisions.
One of my go to set of thinking decision and performance tools to ensure I make better decisions include:
It refers to the way that you chose in advance to view an upcoming situation.
- If we pre-frame the next meeting as: I think this new business prospect is wise and interesting ~ We know the meeting outcomes will be most likely positive.
- However very different if we pre-frame the meeting as: I hope this new business prospect is not as stupid and annoying as the last one!
It refers to how we frame things as they happen to us.
So get a rejection at work? In a relationship?
- If we blame them we learn nothing.'
- If we frame it as it happens and we ask "what went wrong?" or "did I do something incorrectly?" We then have a chance to learn and grow.
I still remember asking a high school crush out to a school dance. I got a very solid NO! I asked why as we had great chemistry and shared lots of conversations and laughter. The NO was I was too short! She was already at Grade 12 almost 6' tall. I was about 5'7" at the time. I learned at that moment to frame it as "expectations" and reality don't always align.
This is the act of rethinking over an issue after the fact.
- What happened
So that is a little background on the power of Pre-Framing, Framing and ReFraming Of course my Dad would have said each of these was a P.O.V. or Point of View. He'd be correct of course. What did the adults in your life call it?
I use them very often. I have a LARGE potential series of clients in the TV, and Radio business. It is a large 7 figure opportunity. So I am pre-framing my communications with them several times several ways to get comfortable with my approach.
So, I've done my research. I know they have over 62M viewers on TV, 57M listeners on radio. So it is the most exciting pitch I've ever made to date.
More about that in the time ahead.
So, until next time Imagine Yourself Program with more Resiliency for Life Ltd. Yes we can. It is possible.