Planning Your Advancements
Coming up with a breakthrough idea doesn’t happen overnight.
It comes from curiosity and experimenting/exploring. You gotta try new things in order to come up with new ideas.
You need to make yourself uncomfortable to get to the next level.
Doing the things that others are not willing to do.
You have to go above and beyond.
When I worked at my gym, there was a few things that upgraded me from an intern to a full-time coach. The biggest thing was I was thinking beyond our current situation.
Instead of just coaching classes and going about my day, I was trying to make our program better. I was thinking of new ways to make it interesting for the clients.
I was actively trying these new ideas out and seeing where they would lead. That character trait is a huge part of what got me that job, and why my clients enjoy working with me.
Be sure of what you are doing, but always explore new advancements, ideas and thoughts. Don’t be stuck in your ways. Look to improve and simplify your product/service for your customer.
Do this for me: explore, create, innovate, be uncomfortable. Health, fitness, business. Keep going.