Peter Brewer
Partner at Clarke Willmott LLP, Commercial Litigation Specialist and Accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator
1.????What is a mediation?
A mediation is a without prejudice meeting between the parties to a dispute, ?facilitated by an independent person who will have had special training to assist in the resolution of disputes (the mediator).
Mediations typically take the following form: -
·????????The pre-mediation stage, where the parties prepare their position statements, documents bundles ?and decide what their approach will be at the mediation.
·????????The mediation itself. Typically, this will start with an all-parties meeting, chaired by the mediator (known as the opening session), followed by the parties retiring to their own rooms with the mediator shuttling between them to try and narrow the positions between them (known as the closed session).
The objective is that the parties will have entered into?a binding settlement by the end of the process.
Preparing for and then engaging in mediation is crucial, particularly given that the courts are prepared to punish parties that don’t engage in the process in a productive way.
This article focuses on how to prepare for a mediation to then try and get the most out of the process.
2.????Choose the mediator carefully
This may sound slightly self-serving but choose your mediator carefully. ?Ask yourself the following questions: -
·????????Does your mediator have sufficient experience to assist you in the resolution of your matter? What is their background? How long have they been qualified as a mediator and how many mediations have they done?
·????????Is your choice of mediator personable and engaging? A remote and aloof mediator will not be able to develop the relationships that are critical to the process working.
Using mediators that you have used before can be a good starting point, as you will know their style and will be used to their approach. Another way of establishing whether the mediator is the right person for the job is to speak to one of the big mediation chambers, specify what you need and see who they have on their directories that will fit the bill.
3.????Timing is critical
In theory, parties ought to be able to mediate quickly. However, give yourself enough time to prepare properly; there is a lot of work to do in the run up to a mediation and you need to make sure that you give yourself enough time to do it properly.
That said, a mediation that is taking place months in the future will lack the urgency needed for the parties to take the process seriously.
4.????Mediating in splendid surroundings
The choice of the venue is really important. Consider: -
·????????The convenience of the parties and the mediator. You want to make it easy for the parties to attend the mediation.
·????????Is neutrality an issue? For example, It may make one party uncomfortable to be mediating in the other parties’ solicitors’ offices;?
·????????Are the facilities going to be adequate? Mediating for an entire day in dimly lit rooms with no natural light and malfunctioning air conditioning is not going to pave the road to settlement.
·????????Can refreshments be provided during the day? No one makes good decisions when hungry and thirsty, so keeping everyone well fed and watered is actually really important.
·????????Do you need to mediate in person, or can it be done online? Some parties will still find mediations intimidating and may find the process easier if they are able to mediate in their own surroundings. ?That said, if you are going to mediate online, make sure that you use a secure platform (such as WebEx), that everyone has a stable wi-fi connection and that the mediator has experience of conducting online mediations.
There are now a number of specialist facilities (such as the International Dispute Resolution Centre in Central London) that are geared up to hosting mediations, if a venue cannot be immediately agreed upon.
5.????Keep it simple
Always bear in mind what the mediator’s role is – they are there to facilitate a discussion between the parties and not to pass judgment on the dispute. They just need to understand who the parties are and what the dispute is about.
Therefore, restrict the bundle to the core papers – include the pre-action correspondence and pleadings (if the claim has been issued), expert’s report (if helpful) but don’t include evidence unless it has a real bearing on the settlement discussions.
And definitely do include without prejudice correspondence; it is surprising how often this is omitted from the bundle and yet it is directly relevant to settlement discussions. It will enable the mediator to gauge what the parties’ positions are and how big any gap is.
6.????An argument is for another day
In most cases, a written position statement of some sort is going to help the mediator and will probably also ease the process. However, great care needs to be taken when drafting them. Avoid: -
·????????Position statements that are long and waffly. Get to the point as this will help the mediator.
·????????Position statements that start quoting the law. Mediation is about trying to settle on agreed, sensible commercial terms and no amount of law will help you achieve that.
·????????Being too positional. If your position statement is all about how wrong headed your opponent is and how you will smash them at trial in a great victory, then they will not want to negotiate, may even be put off the process and the mediator will not be convinced that you are mediating in good faith.
Remember what the mediator is there to do; arguments about the facts and the law are best placed before the judge at trial.
Helpful position statements: -
·????????Introduce who is attending and what their role is
·????????Succinctly rehearse the facts and the procedural background.
·????????Direct the mediator to any key documents that will help them understand the issues in the dispute better;
·????????If the position statement is for the mediator’s eyes only, state the parties position honestly and candidly. The process will work much better if the parties are entirely open with the mediator. Remember that the mediator is everyone’s friend in the process and will only reveal sensitive information with the parties permission.
7.????Jaw jaw is better than war war
Effective mediation is all about dialogue. Most decent mediators will offer a pre-mediation discussion; it helps the parties get anything off their chests in private before the big day, and it also helps the mediator in their attempts to build relationships and trust.
Take this opportunity. It will put the nervous at ease, and no one will be a stranger on the day.
8.????Is the trained advocate the best person to do the advocacy?
Think carefully about who should do most of the speaking during the opening session (and agree who that is) before the actual mediation.
Presentations by lawyers can be effective, but they can also be damaging if the approach is too legalistic or argumentative. If the parties are confident speakers, then they can convey feelings and emotion in a way that the lawyers can’t and that can sometimes open the door to a settlement.
That said, do not force someone to speak if they are not comfortable with doing so as it makes the process seem intimidating to them. The risk is that they focus on preparing and delivering their speech rather than the desired outcome of the process.
9.????What do you want, what do you really, really want?
Finally, each party should plan properly well in advance of the mediation. They ought to meet with their entire team and define what the settlement parameters are, what the walk away triggers are, and who does what on the day.
Make sure that someone in the room has complete authority to settle the dispute (that person is obvious in a dispute between individuals but can be less so in corporate disputes). It is guaranteed to irritate everyone (particularly the mediator) if the parties get close to settlement only to find that a party has to defer to someone who is not there and there is then a delay to a settlement as a result.
Also, come armed with a pre-prepared settlement agreement. This may seem like overkill, maybe even rather optimistic but a lot of time and frustration at the end of the day when settlement documents can be concluded quickly.
A bit about the author
Peter Brewer qualified as a solicitor in 2001 and joined Clarke Willmott LLP as a partner in 2015.
Peter is an experienced commercial litigator, with a practice that focuses particularly on shareholders disputes. He is the lead commercial litigation partner in his firm’s Birmingham office.
Peter qualified as a commercial and civil mediator in 2019 and since then has mediated on a range of disputes, as well as presenting seminars to lawyers on the process and publishing articles on the process.
Peter would be happy to discuss any disputes that he could help you mediate and he can be contacted on 0345 209 1718, 07799 347 840 or [email protected]
Senior Marketing Executive at Clarke Willmott
2 年Thank you for sharing this helpful guide! It's very informative.
Barrister and mediator at St Philips Chambers
2 年Point 6 in particular is so important!