Planning School Trips in China (the Covid-19 version)

Planning School Trips in China (the Covid-19 version)

This September will mark the third academic year where school calendars are being planned around the uncertainties of Covid-19. My team and I work as partners, primarily with schools, delivering experiential education, or school trips in China. Being in this ecosphere, I’ve seen schools go from closure, to virtual, to staggered returns, to social distancing, then back to class as usual, then going back to virtual, then going back to class as usual.

Many schools in the 2019-2020 school year were unable to run LOTC, week without walls, residentials, excursions, field trips in China (and the world for that matter) etc… In China, we have been luckier than most. In the 2020-2021 school year we saw schools saying that they were ready to have normalcy back. But it wasn’t just school trips as usual. To be honest, I’d never seen so much enthusiasm for excursions from both teachers and students.

It was touching – we were being told, after a long hiatus, just how integral experiential education is to school and its impact on student life.

I’ve had countless conversations with heads of pastoral care, head of extracurricular activities, activities coordinators, heads of outdoor ed, athletic directors, principals, and school directors where they’ve stressed to me that the kids, this time around, need this.

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Currently in China, term start dates have been pushed back as the government does its best to contain the latest outbreaks prior to the start of the school year. So how are schools planning for school trips during covid? Especially this time around when we’re into the third academic year of planning residentials during Covid-19.

Last year, we published an article called health and safety in the time of covid where we discussed what we were doing on trips to ensure safety. To be honest, all that has become standard and second nature to us now especially after running almost 100 school trips since that point. Where were schools going? Well, most of them took our advice about running residentials closer to home (best school trips close to major cities in China ).

The below are six tips that, I hope, can assist school decision makers with planning a school trip in China during Covid-19. Let’s face it, it’s going to be here for a few more years… so we might as well adapt.

  1. Public Transportation exposes students to more risk. Private coach journeys ensure that your students aren’t encountering members of the public. Our bus drivers have their green codes and disinfect the buses daily – plus nobody else besides students and members of staff come onto the buses.
  2. Overnight programs can sometimes prove to be problematic when communicating about school trips in China to parents. Though we ensure that all accommodations are properly disinfected and comply with government regulations, the ‘relaying the message to the parents part’ is sometimes more trouble than its worth. In this case, you need a destination that is within 2 hours of school that students can just bus in and bus out of every day. It’s certainly not the most ideal situation but it is an option that gets your students out of the classroom and getting their outdoors hours in. To be clear, we believe that overnight programs are holistically better, and no less safe, than day trips.
  3. Most service providers can guarantee staff that have been covid tested within the past 48 hours prior to working with your students or are vaccinated. Make sure that they’re clear on your school’s requirements.
  4. You want to look for organizations who not only measure up to your H&S and educational standards, but who can also be flexible with their booking and cancellation policies. This is my opinion as someone from the inside looking out: Having been partnered with certain schools for decades it is important for us, internally, to do well with planning our cashflows so that neither parents, nor schools, are adversely affected – or punished – for at least trying to deliver the crucial outcomes that result from experiential education. We offer full refunds as necessary, though I do want to say a big thank you to the schools who have allowed us to keep a portion of funds as credits towards their next programs.
  5. It might be obvious to most of us, but it is still worthwhile to mention that remote locations have less people and thus pose a lesser risk of students being exposed to Covid than when they are in the city. Especially if we’re taking your students on a wilderness survival expedition or a wellbeing retreat – there simply just are not very many people around.
  6. The final thing to keep in mind are the China covid policies for school trips. The board of education for each school district will have different regulations based on the outbreak situation/level of the local area. For example, while schools from one district in Beijing could run trips, a district 40 minutes away were asked to postpone their programs to a few weeks later. From province to province, it varies even more dramatically – students in Xian didn’t have a mask requirement at one point when Beijing schools were still online!

... remote locations have less people...

It’s always risk vs. reward. We must balance the benefits of outdoor education against the risks. Just as being infected with covid-19 is a public health crisis – the collateral damage from students being unable to experience holistic education is far from insignificant. UNICEF recently released a report detailing the anxiety and depression that youth and teenagers felt due to covid. The average reported quality of mental health in youth declined by 200 percent by some metrics. Loneliness, hopelessness, and the disruption of their routines were some of the reasons attributed to this decline. A school trip might not cure clinical depression, but from my years of experience I daresay it helps to combat loneliness and inject a zest for life into our youth. ?

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Safety comes first, but there are so many matrices to weigh and compare. After running virtual classes in varying degrees for the past year and a half, I’m more confident than I have ever been in my conviction that: outdoor education, school trips, service learning, and these experiences outside of the classroom that we dedicate ourselves to curating are extraordinarily vital. Week without walls, outdoor ed, field research, camps etc… they all provide a unique space that straddles life and school, putting both students and teachers on a shared adventure together.

Yes, international borders are currently still not open. But students don’t need to go to South Africa or New York City to gain a world class school trip experience. I look forward to sharing WildChina’s next article about the most fascinating conservation focused field research trips for students in China.?

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1. IFS. The mental health effects of the first two months of lockdown and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK. 2020. [Analysis of UKHLS Adult sample including over 1,300 young adults (aged 16 to 24 with 16 and 17 year olds less well represented in the analysis), collected April]

2. NHS Digital, Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2020: Wave 1 follow up to the 2017 survey. 2020 [Longitudinal sample of 3,570 children and young people aged 5 to 22 weighted for improved representativeness, collected between 6 July to 4 August 2020]

3. ImpactEd. Interim data summary: May to June 2020. 2020. [Non-representative sample of 7,350 pupils from 6 to 18 years old]

4. Levita L, Gibson Miller J, Hartman TK, Murphy J, Shevlin M, McBride O, and others. Report 1: Initial research findings on the impact of COVID-19 on the well-being of young people aged 13 to 24 in the UK. PsyArXiv [Pre-print];2020. [Non-representative sample of 2,000 children and young people aged 13 to 24, collected 21 to 29 April 2020]

5. Levita L, Gibson Miller J, Hartman TK, Murphy J, Shevlin M, McBride O and others. Report 2: Impact of Covid-19 on young people aged 13 to 24 in the UK- preliminary findings. PsyArXiv [Pre-print];2020. [Non-representative sample of 2,000 children and young people aged 13 to 24, collected 21 to 29 April 2020]

6. Prince’s Trust. Young People in Lockdown. 2020.[Online panel sample of 1,022 young people aged 16 to 25, weighted to be representative, collected 24 April to 4 May 2020]

7. Bignardi G, Dalimaijer E, Anwyl-Irvine A, Smith T, Siugzdaite R, Uh S, Astle D. Longitudinal increases in childhood depression during the COVID-19 lockdown in a UK cohort. OSF Preprints; 2020. [Pre-covid and during lockdown measurements of mental health and wellbeing from a non-representative sample of 168 children aged 7 to 11, collected 4 April to 6 June 2020]

8. The Children’s Society. Life on Hold. 2020. [Representative household survey of just over 2,000 parents and their child aged 10 to 17 in the UK, collected 28 April to 8 June 2020]

9. Chandola T, Kumari M, Booker CL, Benzeval MJ. The mental health impact of COVID-19 and pandemic related stressors among adults in the UK. MedRXiv [Pre-print];2020. [Analysis of UKHLS Adult sample including over 1,300 young adults (aged 16 to 24 with 16 and 17 year olds less well represented in the analysis), collected April.]

10. Pearcey S, Raw J, Shum A, Waite P, Cresswell C. Supplementary Report 08: Parent and child concerns about attending school. 2020. [Non-representative sample of 843 parents/carers, collected between 1 to 30 September]

11. Department for Education. The State of the Nation 2020: children and young people’s wellbeing. 2020. [Non-systematic review of recently published analysis].

12. The Children’s Society. The Good Childhood Report 2020. 2020 [Representative household survey of just over 2,000 parents and their child aged 10 to 17 in the UK, collected 28 April to 8 June 2020.]

13. Office for National Statistics. Coronavirus and well-being of young people throughout the pandemic. 2020 [Randomly sampled survey of adults 16 to 24, pooled results with sample of 200 to 500 young people for each statistic, collected April to September 2020]

14. Widnall, E., Winstone, L., Mars, B., Haworth, C., and Kidger, J., (2020). Young People’s Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Initial findings from a secondary school 130 survey study in South West England. NIHR School for Public Health Research; 2020.

15. ImpactEd. Lockdown Lessons Pupil learning and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic Final report from ImpactEd’s longitudinal study of over 60,000 pupils in England. 2021 [62,254 pupils aged 6 to18 responded learning and wellbeing surveys from May to November 2020, with some independent cases studies including a focus group of 2000 students from Outwood Grange Academy]

16. Morgül E, Kallitsoglou A, Essau CA. Psychological effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on children and families in the UK. Revista de Psicología Clínica con Ni?os y Adolescentes. 2020;7(3):42-8. [Non representative survey of 927 caregivers between 14th July 2020 and 14th August 2020 using a snowball sampling strategy]

17. Skripkauskaite.S, Shum.A, Pearcey.S, Raw.J, Waite.P, Creswell.C. Report 08: Changes in children’s and young people’s mental health symptoms: March 2020 to January 2021. Co-Space. 2021. [Survey response from 8,225 parents/carers between March 2020 and January 2021]

18. NSPCC (2020) The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on child welfare: school. Insight briefing. London: NSPCC.

19. Shum A, Skripkauskalte S, Pearcey S, Waite P and Creswell C. Report 10: Children and adolescents’ mental health: One year in the pandemic. May 2021.Co-Space. [Provides an overview of monthly data of survey responses from 8,752 parents/carers and 1,284 adolescents (aged 11-16) between March 2020 and March 2021]. * new *

20. Family Funds The impact of Coronavirus: A year in the life of families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people. April 2021 [Online survey responses from 13,284 families on low-incomes raising 17,366 disabled children and young people from across the UK between March 2020 and February 2021].* new *

21. Lunt C Disabled Children’s Partnership, The Loneliest Lockdown: The Impact of the Pandemic on the Families of Disabled Children, their Parents and Siblings Survey 2. March 2021. [Survey responses from 547 families between 2nd and 16th of March 2021] * new *

22. Dr Shepherd J, Durrant C and DR Hancock C ‘Happier in his own clothes’: Post-pandemic Possibilities for Education for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Perspectives from parent carers. March 2021. [328 parents/carers responding to online survey between January and February 2021] University of Sussex. * new *

23. NHS Digital Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017. November 2018. [Longitudinal sample of 9,117 children and young people aged 2 to 19 weighted for improved representativeness, collected between January and October 2027]

24. ParentZone Left behind in lockdown How financial and digital divides are affecting family life during COVID-19 restrictions 2020 [over 1,000 UK parents of children aged 17 and under surveyed in October 2020]

25. YoungMinds. Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs. March 2020 Survey. [Non-representative sample of 2,111 young people aged 13 to 25, with a history of mental health needs, collected 20 to 25 March 2020]

26. Young Minds. Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs. Summer 2020 Survey. [Non-representative sample of 2,036 young people aged 13 to 25, who had previously looked for mental health support, collected 5 June to 6 July 2020]

27. Young Minds. Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs. Autumn 2020 Survey. [Non-representative sample of 2,011 young people aged 13 to 25, with a history of mental health problems, collected 15 September to 30 September 2020]

28. Young Minds. Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs. January 2021 Survey. [Non-representative sample of 2,438 young people aged 13 to 25, who had previously looked for mental health support, collected 26 January to 12 February 2021]

29. Essau C and Torre-Luqueb A. Adolescent psychopathological profiles and the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. April 2021. [used a sample of 904 participants from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) sweep 7 who completed the mental health questions from January 2018 to March 2019 and the COVID-19 Survey in May 2020] * new *

30. Just Like Us. ‘Growing up LGBT+’: The impact of school home and coronavirus on LGBT+ young people. June 2021.[ A total of 2,934 pupils from 375 schools and colleges across the UK were surveyed between December 2020 and January 2021] * new *

31. Lockyer B, Sheard L, Smith H, Dickerson J, Kelly B, McEachan R, Pickett KE, Sheldon T and Wright J. Her whole little life has changed dramatically’ Findings of a qualitative study into children’s mental wellbeing in Bradford during Covid-19. 2020 [Sample of 21 families: 21 parents and 22 children aged 10 to 13 between August and September 2020]

32. Children’s Commissioner, Some sort of normal What children want from schools now (2020)[a representative survey of 1,500 children who had been back to school in some way since the start of the September term. The survey ran between the 5th and 11th October 2020]

33. Understanding Society COVID-19 Survey Briefing Note Wave 2: May 2020 Family Relationships; 2020 [14,607 participants completed the web survey and 3,500 participants were included in the first telephone survey aged 16 and over, collected at the end of May 2020]

34. Children Commissioner The state of children’s mental health services 2020/21. Children’s Commissioner for England

35. Cooper K, Hards E, Moltrecht B, Reynolds S, Shum A, McElroy E and Loadesaf E Loneliness, social relationships, and mental health in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. April 2021. [used self-report data from 894 young people aged 11–16 between March and June 2020] * new *

36. Patalay, P., Fitzsimons, E. Development and predictors of mental ill-health and wellbeing from childhood to adolescence. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 53, 1311–1323 (2018)

37. Cowie H and Myers A, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of children and young people, Nov 2020 [analysis of recent multiple sources internationally and UK based from a UK perspective]


I am from South Korea. I have already been living in China for 9 years, and I am currently living in Changzhou city. I can teach musical instruments and general music theory. I teach Jazz big band.

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Robert Chaytor

Principal (Head of School)

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