Planning PD Outside the Box

Planning PD Outside the Box

It’s Spring time and the Lessoncast team is busy collaborating with school and district teams to plan PD for the upcoming school year. Building upon insights from CEO Nicole Tucker-Smith 's first book, Supercharge Your Professional Learning, we are helping districts integrate a range of non-traditional approaches, including?consultation sessions, live leadership coaching, and on-demand modules.

1) Custom Professional Learning Libraries

Lessoncast offers a catalog of interactive mini-lessons - from Applying UDL to Lesson Planning to Diverse Ways of Knowing and Showing. School leaders with input from teaching teams select from the catalog to create a custom library for their community. Teachers have agency to select which modules are most important to them, while all of the content aligns with school improvement goals.

The mini-lesson modules can be completed individually or in professional learning teams. We offer timeline tools for the school year and provide leadership success tips to support effective implementation.

To learn more, contact [email protected] or book via Calendly for a free consultation with Nicole Tucker-Smith.

2) Supercharge Existing Initiatives

Often school leaders design PL initiatives with a focus on training all staff during a specific phase. While we know that one-and-done does not work, most plans for continuous learning receive less focused attention than they deserve.

In our work with school teams at Lessoncast, we have found that initiatives to implement specific approaches like UDL require interactive booster sessions to support teachers in their implementation.

We supercharge existing initiatives by carefully designing PL exercises that help teachers understand how their professional practice, context, or approach has developed over time.

Here is an example of an intensive, in-person learning opportunity we designed to support teachers implementing UDL Guidelines 3.0. Read the flyer for more information.

3) Leadership Support

School and district leaders need timely support from knowledgeable coaches - folks who thoroughly know the content AND the demands of being a leader. We offer flexible coaching options to catalyze, grow, and sustain initiatives focused on equitable and inclusive practices.

Lessoncast supports include Live Leadership Coaching, Equity Team Coaching, and On-Demand Administrative Team UDL modules. Review this flyer for more information.

To learn more, contact [email protected] or book via Calendly for a free consultation with Nicole Tucker-Smith.



