*Planning out academic life to the very last minute*

A student is very busy. You go to school, volunteer, do extracurriculars, and enjoy life with your friends – it would be only natural for you to forget things. That’s completely normal.

Yet, not remembering important college application dates and degree requirements does get a student in quite a lot of trouble. Forgetting answers during the SAT or the ACT isn't exactly ideal either. A student processes a great deal of information in their academic life and college application journey. Effectively managing all of this requires sticking to some rules and routines.

Applying to colleges is a hectic process. There’s a lot to do while still attending high school. Your examinations do not stop just because your dream university’s application deadline is approaching. You need to decide on your future academic pathway. You have to decide on what college to apply to. You have to become their ideal student candidate. You have to write well-above-average essays. You need to do some soul-searching to figure out who you are. You need to get over that fear of interviews. All of this happens while you juggle with your school sports tournaments, the upcoming winter fest, the school talent show you have to host, etc. students have so much to do!

A planned schedule gives some structure to this chaos. It may seem boring, but the relief a to-do list should not be underestimated. It helps a great deal, especially when you struggle to choose between studying a subject and scrolling through reels on Instagram. Plan it out, from every single school day to every single vacation. Track important dates for college applications; make sure they do not clash with your school activities. Use journals and daily planners. Set regular reminders on your phone. Plan out your test prep thoroughly. Practice and go through demo test papers. Run trial interviews – schedule such things and do not leave it all up to chance.

Yet, do not make the mistake of overburdening yourself. Each student has their own pace.

Study periods do not have to be five-hour stretches of mental torture; if shorter time intervals work for you, then plan accordingly. Do not stop playing sports – physical activity is a crucial driving force behind mental stimulation. Remember to breathe and focus on something comforting if it gets too overwhelming. You will have bad days with your productivity at an all-time low. Drink water and calm down. Take a break and do something you love. You have time, you just need to know how to manage it.

A student knows and pushes their boundaries by adhering to a routine. Completing a task and crossing it off gives an immense sense of satisfaction. Streamlining your academic life has many benefits. Take a paper and sketch out a rough timetable. You may not stick to it first. It’ll be difficult and restricting, irritating beyond belief. Yet, try. Little by little, you will be used to it.

The regulation pre-planned schedules bring to chaotic academic is a boon most ignore.



