Planning Granted - An Exciting New Residential Development in Staunton, Gloucester!
Quattro Design Architects Ltd
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Staunton, a charming village to the north-west of Gloucester, is set to welcome a new residential development that will replace the former Staunton and Corse Garden Centre. The project will be led by Badminton Developments, while Copperfield Land and Planning Ltd will serve as the planning consultant, and Quattro Design Architects Ltd as the architect.
The project proposes the construction of 16 dwellings, seven of which are affordable and NDSS compliant. The main aim of the project is to provide a bespoke scheme with a mix of both affordable and open-market housing. The dwellings are designed to be sensitive to the site’s location and wider context, particularly the mid-19th century chartist settlement remnants within the village of Staunton.
The proposed design features two-story dwellings in a traditional form and proportion with varying eave heights and rooflines that blend seamlessly into the surroundings. The elevations feature two types of red facing brick, render, stone, and details such as brick heads and cills, brick dentil and band coursing, chimneys, and varying porch details.
The layout of the development is heavily influenced by the existing village and the key views into the site from the north and west. The number, positioning, and elevational treatments of the dwellings have been designed to be sympathetic to the site’s position on the village edge,?while also being sensitive to the site’s historical context. The project team is working towards achieving this goal by paying close attention to the layout and design of the development, using traditional forms and materials that blend well into the surroundings.
This new residential development in Staunton is an exciting project that aims to bring affordable and open-market housing to the village. Led by an experienced team of developers, planners, and architects, the development promises to be a unique and bespoke scheme that is sympathetic to the site’s historical context and surroundings. Quattro is excited that planning permission has now been granted, and is looking forward to watching the development progress.