Simon Delahunty-Forrest
Assistant Director Development Planning & Development Birmingham City Council
A massive thank you to 'Howells' for hosting BCC Planning and Development summer staff gathering. It was humbling to hear Glenn Howell's reflections on the crucial role planning and development plays in creating places and spaces.
Our guest speaker Victoria Hills Chief Executive, Royal Town Planning Institute inspired us all with her insight and reflections on the role of both planning and the institute.
The highlight of the day was the presentations from our graduates, who reflected on their time so far, the challenges and the rewards and more importantly their hopes for the future.
It was particularly rewarding to hear how they talked so highly of the support they had received from both managers and team colleagues.
I know Victoria Hills was impressed with their enthusiasm and appetite to succeed in planning and hopefully one day soon attain MRTPI.
It is a privilege to be part of a team that are committed to making a difference, committed to the planning profession and above all committed to supporting each other - FAMILY.
As Victoria Hills said "If Birmingham can do it, then anyone can do it".