Planning - Behind The J

Planning - Behind The J

Written: February 23, 2021

I have a love hate relationship to planning.

I realize that everything I want is easily achieved when I put it to a plan but from my strict upbringing planning just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It feels like a lack of freedom which is a big no go for me.

Over time I have come to realize that the perfect plan actually provides more room in your life and space for freedom while also allowing you to be fulfilled by reaching your goals. Pretty much everything comes down to your ability to plan.

The one area you can’t really plan, that I have neglected recently, is your true desires/wants. I feel those are more attached to your emotional centers and run parallel to your creativity. Until recently I have neglected those areas in my life and have relied more on the planning and logic side of my brain. Through some focused effort and planning I am beginning to explore my creativity more.

I believe this is a true realization of the power of planning is because it can help create true freedom of expression by making space to explore and to play. I believe as I dive more into this mindset I will actually dive more into myself and find more fulfillment from life. It is amazing how similar trains of thought work for creativity as well as for being productive in business.

I don’t think these ideas are meant to be at war with each other but they are meant to be the best of friends. If you can teach your creative sides and business sides to play well together you can truly maximize the potential in other areas and have a more fruitful life.

Going forward I almost want to have a plan for everything. Is there a such thing as over planning?

I feel like I should leave room for serendipity but the more I live a clear and clean life I realize that serendipity just needs you to create opportunity in life and be open and aware of it and it will happen regardless.

I wonder what would be the issue with planning everything? I feel like I have over structured and over controlled my life in the past. I do not think the planning was actually the problem but the reason I needed to plan was the true issue. Now a solid plan is simply the best way to accomplish my desires. So what better way to live my best life than to plan it out.

Visualize what my best life looks like and determine how to best achieve it. I also want to practice keeping things extremely simple. I have a tendency to over complicate things at times. This often slows my progress down. I want to focus on planning but also on the minimum effective dose of things.

What is the smallest thing I can do in order to reach my desired goal?

I believe this combination of approaches will create the best output while helping keep me in a life of fulfillment and joy. All of these thoughts make me happy. I feel a creeping sense of peace and calm. When I inhale the exhale comes naturally and with release.

I am excited to take the next steps because I feel that my actions have purpose. I believe moving with purpose and intention is my new favorite way to exist. Maybe that has always been my favorite way to exist. I feel I do best when I have a goal that I truly care to achieve.

Currently my goal is less abstract than it has been in the past and more centered around my true desires. I want to become an artist who takes themselves and their work very seriously. I want to structure and build a business around my art and find people who are excited to support my creativity.

Music is my creative backbone and I will dive head first into developing myself as a professional musician. This is an area that I love to learn about and I have natural curiosity around. Ultimately I need to get more comfortable executing my vision consistently.

It is not all just study. I must take the materials and live them. One area I must learn to embrace is getting more out of my comfort zone. Maybe I can create a plan to do that as well. That is currently my greatest struggle but if I make it necessary for my goals it is just another domino.


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